Goodbye Zimbabwe, Mugabe goodbye

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
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Borders are always beginning and end. Mozambique al frente, Behind Zimbabwe. Two Africas with certain differences. Maybe it's the English or Portuguese and European influence in southern and northern Europe. A long line of trucks on each side, all for taking and bringing in both countries. All missing, nothing is superfluous. Although African passport allows visa-free spending, the line of men and women with bags, suitcases and children hanging back time slows. Activity to ask if my visa taken me three months ago it still (I was in Mozambique in April). The answer is no, but I used to skip the long queue and be the first to cross the group.

Outside I expect Benson and Jenson, our cook and click Zimbabwe with whom I share several cigars. At this stage of the journey our relationship is close, sincere and fun. ¿Os Pena finished the trip?, asked. "I'm looking forward to see my daughter", me dice Benson. They are tired, exhausted and have doubts of the country that receives. "There are friendly Mozambicans Us. Yes, the girls are very pretty. Also do not understand us ". Curious always answer Anglophones who believe they are always others who must understand them to them.

Behind it is a special country that wanted to know since I arrived in Africa. Zimbabweans are, to my understanding, Africans more open and friendly I've encountered with the South Africans

Behind it is a special country that wanted to know since I arrived in Africa. Zimbabweans are, to my understanding, Africans more open and friendly I've encountered with the South Africans. I think it has to do with the usual. Both are more accustomed to live with whites despite atrocious endured racist regimes that lasted until nearly the end of the twentieth century. In the rest of the countries around the independence occurred in the decade of the 60 and 70. The rest of the continent white settlers were always. In South Africa and Zimbabwe are native whites for generations and heart. Many times have I heard you say "We are Africans", with the same pride a Xhosa, zulú o tonga.

My memory of Mozambique is that crossed the country three months ago in sheets (trucks) and found more silences and glances that crony. Always shy smiles, educated, but somewhat distant. Not the case in Zimbabwe, where we took pictures with police officers in a supermarket as we chatted about the safety. That's just one example that would be useless without the other dozens of people with whom we stumbled open for more than two weeks. I brought this review from South Africa, where hundreds of thousands of Zimbabwean refugees who breathe hatred and misery among its neighbors (a drama that ever explained in this blog and it teaches that rejection of immigration is a phenomenon that occurs only in rich countries). Zimbabweans claim to have more studies and speak better English than South Africans. The South Africans see them as unfair competition for jobs: charge less and work more. I hate coins, world history.

Zimbabwe is Mugabe's farmhouse without them the form of this butcher deliverer nothing is explainable

Zimbabwe is Mugabe's farmhouse without them the form of this butcher deliverer nothing is explainable. About, for those who are interested in her figure again I recommend reading the book "Dining with Mugabe", de Heidi Holland. El subtítulo no deja lugar a dudas: "The untold story of a liberator who became tyrant". El libro empieza con una cena en la que la autora esconde en su casa a un joven Mugabe soñador y acaba con una entrevista a un hombre convertido en dictador déspota. Sólo daré una sorprendente respuesta que da el presidente en el libro: "In Zimbabwe lacks only products on shelves, nothing more ". And nothing less, missing include. There are of course two different countries. The rural, impoverished and road dust, without light or water, and places like Harare, capital, or the Victoria Falls tourism, where some supermarket barcodes and bank tellers. Some, that misery there is shaped brick and concrete slums. The feeling is that the country is undone, everything is decaying. No freedom dreamed of and fought, that a leader of your own skin color does not make you free, tions from comida, no security. It could be anything this beautiful country and the blame is not the liberators of the ancient tyrants. Zimbabwe has enough resources and infrastructure legacy-still languish- to dream of something more than a patriotic salute to the black cause. The cause is to have future black shelves, no una foto de un presidente de origen no europeo colgando de cada pared desconchada de los edificios oficiales. Freedom is not just a paper and a box. Is there really democracy in Africa?

Mugabe, the teacher who dreamed of giving his own education, who boasted to dress like an English lord and he craved the respect of whites and blacks admiration, ended up killing thousands and stealing their land freed from the rest. Your end is near. It will leave a legacy of death and misery will cost heal. The shelves are now a hope to fill. Yet, his countrymen smile, much, less victimization than elsewhere, with more pride. I hope Morgan Tsvangiri, current prime minister, Opposition leader and real winner last elections do not, si como dicen los pronósticos vence en las «previsibles» elecciones de 2012, good to its predecessor. It seems that the African Union is not prepared to tolerate another Mugabe rigging and his loyalist forces weaken in bloody internal wars for control of Zanu-PF, his party, since we have found that the health of the aging leader weakens state coffers as much as with every trip to Singapore for treatment for his ailment. Curious deliverer hospitals heals in luxury while his people no toothpaste. Adiós Mugabe.

This trip is part of the route of the agency Katanga Zimbabwe: Walking Great Zimbabwe

Route Kananga:

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Comments (6)

  • Noeli


    ———————-Adieu, Robert Mugabe————————

    Me repugna. No solo porque ha violado y sigue violando los derechos humanos y fundamentales en su país y además no mueve un dedo para solucionar o «cambiar» las cosas; but because over the wolf in wolf who in his day was lamb in wolf's clothing, is Catholic; and the Holy See maintains diplomatic relations with a leader who has become a dictator and that far away is to understand what a Catholic would practice as a faith and religious practices should be closer to a humanitarian than imposition of wills .

    An elegant chieftain. A miserable person.

    La Unión Europea hace más de una década que le impuso «sanciones personales» relativas a la congelación de cuentas en bancos extranjeros y restricciones de viajes a Europa, precisely because of the violation of fundamental rights in their country. I think rather little concerned….because the beatification of John Paul II in Rome, attended…
    Needless to say I do not get to church… but good, is something that I show in my blog, is a very personal opinion here is beside.

    I enjoyed your post, helps confirm that some information that come from Zimbabwe by media, sometimes they are right, without always the shadow of bias.
    And this thread, Xavier, I'd like to ask about the black-white problem a while ago we came as an extreme crudity…Is that true?.

    Un saludo 😉


  • MereGlass


    Cuba, Zimbabwe with a life of deprivation still retain that gorgeous smile mottled teeth makes them great! Eternal survivors who love their land as no, you know able to rise again… And it already did before. They look back with pride, then forward.
    Once you tell us about these Western travelers in search of 4 pictures to decorate a handful of topics rigid. Xavier, are neither remote-as they. You get soaked land and people.


  • Javier


    Hello Noeli,
    the relacionn between whites and blacks in Africa is complex to understand. Of course the skin unlike mark differences in the relationship. It has a historical aspect master and slave and cultural aspect, different ways of understanding the property, what is community and responsibility. In Zimbabwe we have counted wrong is that Mugabe crushed to whites, actually crushed all blacks and whites who were not of their own. The reality is that the land was owned by white, so it lost more with the theft of property, but no more than 20.000 black Zimbabweans killed by Mugabe, more than whites. Yes, the latter have migrated en masse because of the terror in place and waiting to return, that everyone I've met in other African countries are put tears in my eyes when they talk about their country. The South Africans and white Zimbabweans feel like any native Africans and black. They have too many generations to have the option to return home. No colony to which return, that is your house. Also worth remembering, to understand some misgivings, than two decades ago, !late twentieth century!, Southern whites treated African black Africans as inferior. It's been so long. Africa is too complex to make big statements. Perhaps all that I have seen in year and a half is not worth anything. The longer I spent there, more understood who understood nothing.


  • Javier


    Thanks MereGlass, tua words thank you and I love you like that here we. The idea is that this is a talk of travelers and travelers try to soak up the places you go.


  • Eduardo


    Great story, of those who once read remain in your head giving you think…the end is what it is.


  • Noeli


    Hi Javier,

    I'm with MereGlass, it is clear that you soak lands and people, as good traveler!!

    I loved your answer to my question above has clarified the doubts I had. It is sad so many dead…

    «Africa es demasiado compleja para dar grandes sentencias» (I like, I stay with this sentence).

    Surely if it everything you've seen in a year and a half…Insurance.



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