Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Dominica: el manantial de los kalinago

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
Dominica fue toda esa naturaleza desbocada en una montaña hecha isla. Los españoles la ignoraron en sus primeros viajes por su orografía complicada. Los franceses e ingleses, que la colonizaron, la apreciaron por sus manantiales. El bíblico edén debe ser algo muy parecido a aquellas laderas verdes, con cascadas violentas, entre las que crecen flores extrañas de colores inciertos. El mundo puede ser distinto, Dominica lo es.
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Montserrat, the island volcano ate

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
Montserrat is a cork dust floating in the middle of the Caribbean. A stone with a volcano. A ghost town with narrow gray living world, Green, beautiful and Cornered. A bastard oblivion. Ash. Music. A ferry and a perennial goodbye. Anyone who feels the curiosity of the traveler, I, you must go to this place.
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Oaxaca earthquake: aids and theft after castátrofe

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
What kind of human being you have to be to steal what remains of some rubble? To take possession of aid delivered millions of people generously? There are also other. Many more. Many more people willing to help, to give half of what you have even very little. All that was seen in Juchitán. The very good and the very bad. All that is capable of man.
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Old and bearded: a week on the island of M
For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)

M. I forgot your name, so I'll call her M. This time it wasn't my fault, M spoke little, just enough, It would not have been easy to remember her even if we had spent six years together. M was a middle-aged woman, arisca, who economized his words and gestures. Now that i remember, I'm not sure M told me his name. Sharpening the memory a little more, I'm not sure M said anything.
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Cancun: life is now
For: It. Vaquerizo and C.C (text and photos)

Because I am sorry, but those of us who write in Vap also do these things. The adventure and the dust is all a farce and in reality we are some beach tourists. But in this damn city-highway drill they have hidden the sea and they don't plan to release it so easily until you loosen a few dollars as a ransom.
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