Deep in the Red Sea

For: Luis Berges
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Warm waters teeming with life and color. An ideal destination for underwater photography lovers. The Red Sea offers a wealth of marine species with historic shipwrecks, a tempting offer made dive centers proliferate, especially in countries like Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Sudan. A good friend of VAP and a great amateur photographer, Luis Berges, Zaragoza sends us these snapshots from an unforgettable day of diving in the Red Sea.

Sharm el-Sheikh (south of the Sinai Peninsula) The Hurghada, in Egypt, Tourists are more options (both feature a wide range of hotels), but not unique. In the Sudanese coast, eg, Shaab Rumi allow observation, between striking coral reefs, to a number of shark species, including hammerheads unmistakable. A 30 kilometers northeast of Port Sudan, Marine National Park Sanganeb Atoll also meets many attractions to enjoy these underwater landscapes of coral reefs. And Israel, diving mecca in Eilat, concentrated around its Nature Reserve Coral Reef.

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