Etosha: wildlife widescreen

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
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Etosha is an explosion of animal life of the African. An elephant that cuts you step; a rhino is the elusive or jackal, dying, rummaging through trash camping.

It's funny how the group has been changing. From that first wildebeest we saw in the Kalahari, that almost makes us flock to photograph him off wheels, has gone "over the pond and, acelera”. I told a friend that I watched three hippos ... (and I have left).

The peculiarity that I found in Etosha, compared to other parks, widescreen displays are house brand. Alongside the three accommodations inside the park is what they call "water holes" (drinking) where animals come to take off the dust of the human throat and wait, like in the movies but without popcorn, to observe. It has some emotion and can be a bit boring. You can spend an hour and not bring any bug or, as we went in Halais, four rhinoceroses appear together and pose for half an hour. Appear in the brush and go, to slow, to get lost in the dark.

Alongside the three accommodations inside the park is what they call "water holes" (drinking) where animals come to take off the dust of the human throat and wait, like in the movies but without popcorn, to observe

Addition, last night Etosha I got some of the group take a drink. Until now there was a hint of revelry in Luderitz, night beers at the bar of Epupa Himba and a collection of nights when Dion out alone or with, driver, taking them alone. This seems a group of Spanish, stores that do not hear nothing but the snoring past ten p.m. (We wake up every day between 5:30 and 06:00).

The truth is that we are tired. The six nights in a row of tents we have noticed. Mine has opened up, making with my perfect preparation (already mentioned), in which I cover with a sheet about what should be a sack, frozen dawn some mornings. The process is as follows: "I put the cover to prevent air? "I'm lazy, then you have to bend ", I context. Conclusion: I just slept with a sweatshirt, hood up, two pairs of trousers and jacket to match my bangs.

Finally, the atmosphere in the group is becoming more fun. The Conas with Albert and Inis are constant. Are usually related to the Bafana (no comment), but guys, Cook especially, has a capacity to learn Spanish words to speed gazelle. The loose with grace, is clever and funny and just has the problem that is passed 50 percent of the time talking to his girlfriend on the phone. "I control because he wants to catch me", tell me. Addition, there is a whole gang of players in the truck pocha. Every time I play I remember my best friends. Every trip we've done has been accompanied by a championship pocha. It feels good, I played five times and won four.

Now I'm in Round, near a border with Angola. From my hotel I can see the other side, the angoleña, and the movement of boats that cross from side to side of the border. There are cows grazing, Children fishing, swimming ... So close and yet so far. Tomorrow I go to Botswana, mythical road delta del Okavango and already close to achieving promised a picture with some people, months ago, when dream travel: drink a beer in front of Victoria Falls.

Route Kananga:
Telephone: 93 268 77 95
(Organize trips across Africa)

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Comments (10)

  • Cross


    What I would give to be crouching in the trough!!!…"I think" that I would even let them earn me a few…Lion hugs.


  • home


    Javi.. And where you take the beers?? Account details of what the bars… How are you going? What kind of people out there…

    (IS that because I'm tired of hippos until I…)

    You win you get to the falls victory and make plans..

    A kiss


  • Esteban


    tio joder… not want to get into your blog not to get depressed over my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope you are well, you know that above all have a friend in Valencia!

    Take care tron


  • Ricardo


    Java, if the problem is the lack of nightly beer company, I think I can humbly solucionártelo during 15 days…


  • Javier


    We are grateful, more than anything, alcoholic contributions. send this message Chobe river front, in Botswana.
    A hug to everyone as


  • jeff


    javi, sure you are going to like Victoria falls as I have fond memories of the place. I think I told you about it once upon a time.


  • Javier


    Yes, I remember something about the Rhodes memorial Jajajaja


  • jeff


    I, I'm ashamed that, like I was a little younger and drunk


  • jeff


    that was a translation .hope you understand it.


  • Javier


    Jajajaja. Eres un crack Jeff


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