Spanish Geographical Society awards the Guadarramismo

For: Vap (foto Pablo Angel Corral)

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The Spanish Geographical Society has awarded the Geographical Heritage Award -which recognizes the most outstanding contributions of collectives and movements to geography, travel and exploration for knowledge of the planet- the Guadarramismo as a lifestyle and humanistic view of the mountains.

The Geographer, writer and mountaineer Eduardo Martinez de Pison, Contributor VaP.,

collected a few days ago the award with Francisco Laporta, Julio Vías, Antonio Sáenz de Miera, Javier Donés and Pedro Nicolás (in the left image. right) in the auditorium of the Mutua Madrileña in the capital of Spain.

This distinction is part of the annual awards of the Spanish Geographical Society, that this year they celebrate their XVII edition. Other of the winners in this edition are the geographer Josefina Gómez Mendoza, the photographer Chema Elósegui, the ornithologist Josep del Arroyo, writers and travelers Colin Thubron and Arita Baaijens and the TV show "The Green Beetle".

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