No to immigration law in Florida

Normally policy and matters little to me but when is a country that is not mine but when I read that Cubans are supporting an anti-immigration-indeed given by an uneducated enlightened called Mc Collum- similar to that attempted in Arizona, bothers me a little. I understand that if we feel that the borders should not exist should be regulated immigration, But some Cubans flagging anti-Obama anti-immigration movement seems to me repanocha. And when I hear you say that Florida has to fight against illegal. Male, as if they had left the country legally with visas for Estates. Or told Fidel: "Oye chat, this is not worth nothing and I leave the USA to earn a few bucks ".

Perhaps these gentlemen should remember that they entered illegally in the U.S. and, why, were detained until they were Cubans found. The only difference from other illegal is that the other countries in the world with dictatorship and hunger do not bother strategically to the first power of the American continent. That's why they are granted visas and many other perks much faster than other immigrants and political refugees.

Regardless, that your looks are entitled to ask papers only achieve that if a woman is raped not report for fear of being deported or if a child suffers sexual abuse can not speak for fear that their parents are deported. And that could give more examples of why this proposal is a grave error, besides unconstitutional.
Still, until next week.

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