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Posts Tagged 'gerardo bartolome’


The animals most attractive in Patagonia

For: Gerardo Bartolomé (text and photos)
The animals most attractive in Patagonia
For a minute dream of a trip to Patagonia ... I chose what place in the previous post. Well ... now look at these photos of Patagonian animals. What would you like to see on your trip? Do all? Sure! But what think you should not miss? Help me choose four animals Patagonian fauna essential.
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Trip to «The Galapagos» of Patagonia
For: Gerardo Bartolomé

Trip to «The Galapagos» of Patagonia
From the heights of the cliffs in the Deseado estuary watched the strange triangular stone that marked the place where the crew of the Beagle encamped in the afternoon of 1834. The view was absolutely breathtaking. (...) "No I have never seen a place apart from the world that this rocky crevice in the wide plain", Darwin wrote in his diary, and today this remains true.
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The route of Darwin in Patagonia

Follow the steps for issuing "Beagle", the footprint of Darwin in Patagonia. An exceptional journey for a great documentary by the hand of the writer and contributor to VaP. Gerardo Bartolomé. Here a preview.
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