
Vive la aventura de África. Javier Reverte y Javier Brandoli entre otros te llevan al continente negro, de los desiertos a las selvas. Hemos destilado para ti el embrujo de África.

393 articles
Escort in Koma territory, Cameroon Escort in Koma territory, Cameroon

When you die to live

In none of those places did I look for the risk, in fact I have a habit of trying to avoid it, But the desire to know the world and try to complete the unfathomable puzzle of the human race is stronger.. And that doesn't make me a hero or an asshole..

Scarlett Johanson and the Pyramids of Gizah

We are not here just to play the Indiana Jones, we also do foreigner things like everyone else. After all the holidays are over, we are tired and nostalgic and everything is the same to us. To the trip you have to give what is from the trip and to Instagram what is from Instagram...

Township: suburb tourism

Far from disappearing after the end of apartheid, the township now have more neighborhood than ever, because the "veterans" who had fled war and poverty of the "other" add Africa

Black footprints: on the trail of slavery

Five reports and many other countries -Jamaica, Gambia, U.S., Colombia and Cuba- to follow in the footsteps of the slave trade. An experience writer and journalist Diego Cobo, Contributor VaP., plasma in "Black Footprints". On the trail of slavery" (The horizon).

Amira and Michael: Love the trash

I spent a day looking for stories in that section of Cairo. It was very hot and the smell of garbage was too intense. When I saw Michael Amira and I took a picture; Amira both smiled and started talking to me like I belonged to that place.

The Ten Commandments of tourists in Africa

Travelling to Africa for the first time is not easy. Some are tempted to rush out and tumble as myths and darken the horizons idyllic. But those who resist that fleeting impulse remain forever tainted by the evil of Africa, that passion for the continent, stripped of prejudice, it forces you to return again and again and, the most daring, to stay.

Africa on the move

Africa with which I have stayed is a woman that crosses the continent to open land or along roads and sidewalks, if any,. Always with a pack-and the baby if it has- to the back or on the head. Always alone. Always silent. The millennial silence of hunger and death.

Un malquerer en Kikuyu

He lived in haste and with open eyes, traveled the roads without fear; the red dust stained my clothes and I adorned lashes. Gobbled new words, engulfing the pain of others, gobbled gobbled injustice and hunger. View spectacular sunrises and sunsets disappointing it became routine, I learned a lot about illegal drugs, prostitution and murder. I thought that life was. I thought that was enough.

Tierra de Brujas, Mary Ferreira

There are times Earth Bruges in reaching smell everything and you have to separate some pages, breathe and do an exercise of memory is to remind humans. I read a few books on Africa and, course, I have never faced such a work. Perhaps because none of the authors I have read I could tell in the first person what tells Maria. She did not run away from Makuyu, as we would almost all, She stood there hating and loving the land

Voces de Somalia: ablation

At 14 years they married and had to stop studying. At 16, She gave birth to a girl in a hospital in Nairobi. She wept inconsolably for days. 'I wanted to have a child- repeated tearfully. "My daughter will suffer so much! Sorry, sorry, sorry…", she told her baby.
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