Mexico cute

Mexico cute: Ricardo Coarasa

18 articles

Veracruz: port of the legends

Veracruz is a place to stay stripped of duties and hours, enjoying the pleasure of reconciliation with the time, with the talks without violations. Veracruz is a port city, or a port city, which lower the flag and languish stress listening legends and terrible events that still disturb the daily cadence of jarochos.

La Antigua Veracruz: the Rubicon of Cortez

Antigua is the back of modern Veracruz. It is not touched by the golden wand of tourism, but the mixing of Mexico today began to take shape on its shores, where nearly five centuries ago began the great adventure of Hernán Cortés, who decided to sink their ships there, not burn, to close any possibility of return and thus put towards the great Moctezuma Aztec Court.
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