Ruta VAP (III): the flight of the flamingos

For: J. Brandoli, Text / Photos, el grupo
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Whenever that image. You stop the car, right at the entrance of Villas do Indico, on top, and look at the horizon. It is a green and blue mantle water; is also, cuando te fijas concentrado, a blue mantle and green. Then, in the distance, two elongated islands appear to touch. Below, closer and, in full tide, sand floating on water at will. You see men and women collect shells trawls place hopefully bring food with which to deceive the rice or the pit. Nothing is heard.

Around the fire chatted with anxiety upon arrival who become afraid to leave

We arrived at the hotel after crossing the Tropic of Capricorn and. That first night we lit a bonfire on the beach and had dinner at the hotel's tent. Around the fire chatted with anxiety upon arrival who become afraid to leave. The group had asked us to stay one more night there changing the program. We decided to do, Vilanculos after knowing that the trip would be more tired even though we had people like Monica who kept repeating "I can not show photos to my friends, when they organized the trips I've been in far worse conditions ". Aunt L is an SUV.

The next morning came one of the highlights of this route: Bazaruto Islands. Always remember the poster for a bakery in Buenos Aires that put: "Many places in the world, only some special ". It is true. Bazaruto responds to the second classification. Sometimes, the site is so overwhelming that you have to stop one second to understand the logic of the rest of the world is not this place.

Neptune's niece second siren now converted into something easy virtue supported in deep rock

The two boats left early. The faces of all were widening as we approached the two islands. The cross in the middle, sand bypassing their tongues, and headed first to the coral reef. We stopped. He jumped into the water with their masks and fins. They saw octopus, garopas large, the coral sea a fund lost, foreshortened fish, The Nautilus, Nemo and niece Neptune second siren now converted into light some helmets resting on a deep rock. Anything is possible if you want to brush solitude in which the wind blows without disturbing the eyes.

After the snorkel, we went to find a secluded place to eat. On the way he passed one of those normal things this place: dolphins. Well, that, we follow, swam between us a little in that liquid wax and left after boring them to eat at a deserted beach near a sand dune desert of about 30 meters high. (Re-read what I just described).

Are encouraged to get into the high dunes and watch the ocean in all its magnitude

The boat stopped, banks and umbrellas down. We took the food. We lie. We look to the horizon. We bathed in invisible water. Martin and Txarli are the only ones who dared to climb the high dunes and watch the ocean in all its magnitude. The rest rests, sight, lies and looks. There is a part of everything that does not seem credible. After the meal, when the wind begins to stir, decided to return to the world. How long have we here?

Then I remember the flamingos and ask Mario, our captain, I go to the beach of Benguerra Island where they often take shelter in herd of annoying other. Arrived. There are more than we had ever seen. They walk away with their bodies twisted, the sand. Bajamos de las barcas y nos acercamos para verlos y fotografiarlos de cerca. They accelerate its long shanks to flee from strangers. Es entonces cuando Martín comienza a correr tras ellos y aquel lugar revienta de belleza.

Es entonces cuando Martín comienza a correr tras ellos y aquel lugar revienta de belleza

All e l group takes off in unison. Their long wings are mixed with the blue water and sky, with reddish sand. As, its pink feathers seem lost in the strange plaintive uproar that breaks in their stride. The scene is unforgettable, there, the place, them, by us. Then, way back to the boat, we take some small sand completely roses feathers flamingos left forgotten. We return to the hotel and all that stupid face that forces you happiness.

Two nights later, after enjoying that peace, pasear por la villa y su mercado y disfrutar de una cena donde Rosa había comprado regalos y palabras de agradecimiento para todos, we faced the military convoy. We decided to cross the conflict zone without knowing what we were facing. At half past three alarms sounded watches. We were living a few hours unimaginable sequence, surreal.

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  • martin




  • Lydia


    ¡Qué habilidad tienes para dejarnos con the plot y con las ganas de saber mas!


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