
19 articles

Tree death 500 years

How high is? - "emm 25, 30 meters "- Don responds Orlando, who has worked all his life as a herdsman; And how old do you think has? -"Over there 500 years "- He says without much thought, as if it was not an impressive figure. But it is that this tree has been here since before the first settlers even think to reach this forest!

The Everest climber overcome by

He dreamed, like so many other climbers of the time, to become the first man to tread the summit of Everest, but the glory was elusive. Sorry, heart rumbo a la Patagonia. Other peaks waiting to be conquered virgin. What is the name of the British explorer and mountaineer image? What feats he starred in southern lands? The travel writer Gerardo Bartolome will tell the story in next week VaP..

The river of deception

Where in Southern Patagonia was beached the boat of an old engraving? What intrepid sailor took advantage of this estuary to repair your boat and, passing, explore the river in search of an Andean lake that never saw? The travel writer Gerardo Bartolome made the same route. He did manage to see the lake. I will in a week in VaP..

Judicial Stop dams in Patagonia

Chilean Justice has ordered halt Hidroaysén, the largest South American country's hydroelectric project,which plans to build five plants in Chilean Patagonia. The initiative has raised strong opposition among the population, a malaise that has even led to a decline in the popularity of Chilean President, Sebastián Piñera. The project, it costs 3.500 billion (about 2.450 million) guarantees the production of 2.750 megawatts of power. Read the story of the writer and traveler VaP. Gerardo Bartolomé in on this controversial issue: Also in:

Milodon Cave: come and see

In the caves of southern Chile, near Puerto Natales, in the Pleistocene was the habitat of a large mammal, the mylodon. La historia del descubrimiento de los últimos restos de este herbívoro la cuenta en VaP el escritor y viajero Gerardo Bartolomé en su blog "Desde la Patagonia".

The enigma of extinct species

An animal species extinct for thousands of years. A surprising finding in the cave of the picture and a question. "They survived some copies of these large mammals until today? What do you call that cave and what a wonderful discovery was made in it? What does it say about Patagonia ago 10.000 years? The answers have a contributing writer Gerardo Bartolomé VOD. Within a week, en su blog "Desde la Patagonia".

When progress is traveling with a knife between his teeth

In the name of progress have been committed many atrocities, with the disinherited and Nature as the main victims. Also in Patagonia. On the brink of what legendary route these hills are monitored by the moon? What danger lurks in this remote southern region? El escritor y viajero Gerardo Bartolomé desvelará las claves el próximo domingo en su blog "Desde la Patagonia".

Huascar, floating relic world's oldest

The Huascar is named after a brother of Atahualpa, the penultimate Inca. Taken away to Peru 1879, lies in Chilean waters turned into a museum ship. The oldest relic in the world floating is a good excuse to get close to the Chilean city of Talcahuano.
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