
15 articles

Un malquerer en Kikuyu

He lived in haste and with open eyes, traveled the roads without fear; the red dust stained my clothes and I adorned lashes. Gobbled new words, engulfing the pain of others, gobbled gobbled injustice and hunger. View spectacular sunrises and sunsets disappointing it became routine, I learned a lot about illegal drugs, prostitution and murder. I thought that life was. I thought that was enough.

Tierra de Brujas, Mary Ferreira

There are times Earth Bruges in reaching smell everything and you have to separate some pages, breathe and do an exercise of memory is to remind humans. I read a few books on Africa and, course, I have never faced such a work. Perhaps because none of the authors I have read I could tell in the first person what tells Maria. She did not run away from Makuyu, as we would almost all, She stood there hating and loving the land

The 10 most read post 2012

Here is the list of 10 most read post in VAP 2012. Ten places to ten stories. There are more than a summary, an example of a full year, Road and three of this project, narrated in many world from his shoulders. Everything published in this magazine seems worthy to be in this category. Thanks to the dozens of people who have gone through this coffee traveler or this tavern, here we respect the tastes and times of everyone s, and left of the dust of his shoes for this place.

Screening and discussion about the unknown Africa

On Thursday 14 June, to 19 hours, make the presentation of our unknown route to Africa. A projection of video and photos and a subsequent open symposium to discuss the trip and any doubt or printing on the political and social reality of South Africa. An interesting encounter believe about 45 minutes.

History and McDonald's

Last week I wrote about battlefields and, a little side, reffering me to the field of Gettysburg, wandering through which I walked a cold morning in March this year. The fierce fighting on 1 the 3 July 1863 on the outskirts of this small town in Pennsylvania ...
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