
Viajes es nuestro nombre. Hacemos viajes por la historia, viajes al pasado y viajes al futuro. Soñamos viajando, contamos viajes y viajamos contigo.

60 articles

Ways to travel

The motivations for travel are endless. We travel behind landscapes, of people, of cities or in the wake of a childhood dream or a literary scene. We travel, also, for the sheer pleasure of escape routine. And you, Why do you travel?

The shortest way: when the world had otherwise

Leguineche book has immense virtue, of a teacher, very complicated to get: It is equally the text of a journalist and a traveler. Manu sitting in a car and going with three American journalists and a Swiss cross the planet, and, Imagine today heresy, He dares to narrate as you feel, as he lives, and as understood

The traveler's reasons

Travel has always been the perfect excuse for not looking at ourselves, to turn your face to the mirror. And I say this with the awareness of having traveled a handful of countries from every corner of the planet, from Alaska to Ushuaia, from South Africa to Iverness, from Australia to the Himalayas.
Baggage world travel to the past Baggage world travel to the past

El mundo de equipaje

"El mundo de equipaje", the first book of the new editorial collection Viajes al Past, you can already buy it on our website. stories 27 travelers who have written in VaP in these more than four years of existence. Do not miss it!

The sedentary traveler

The sedentary traveler does not remember when or how he stopped traveling. A bad day, it happened. Maps fell from the calendar, planes and routes with the same ease with which, suddenly, winter is coming.

Preface to a journey begun

Almayer's, ultimately, the act of traveling. Goal and path simultaneously. Middle and end. Search and find. And pray that as my favorite book, "Everything else was not yet. Invent-that would be wonderful ". Inventing.


The route Viajesalpasado, Villas do Indian and South African Eland Expeditions, Malawi and Mozambique aims to teach part of the lesser known South African. It is a full path in which we crossed by three national wildlife parks; a national park in the middle of paradise islands of the Indian Ocean ...

VaP. organize author tours 2012

Routes for people with curiosity and desire to see the world with the same philosophy we do this journal. Travel writer designed for people who write here. Here's our decalogue of intent: enjoy and learn; singular and plural ... I hope.

Travel “The Galapagos” of Patagonia

From the heights of the cliffs in the Deseado estuary watched the strange triangular stone that marked the place where the crew of the Beagle encamped in the afternoon of 1834. The view was absolutely breathtaking. (...) "No I have never seen a place apart from the world that this rocky crevice in the wide plain", Darwin wrote in his diary, and today this remains true.

Tras la estela de Saint-Exupéry

A few years ago, still in the spirit and psyche remains disrupted by the hell that he had contracted malaria in Brazil two years earlier, I decided to embark on a journey to the coastal desert of southern Morocco, Atlantic shores ranging from Agadir to Tarfaya, the old Cape Juby, where he would be stopping, in their night flights, the plane-mail that pilot and writer who was Antonie de Saint-Exupéry.

VAP, in “The good life” Radio Point

The reporter interviewed Elena Markinez on Sunday 31 July on his Punto Radio program "The Good Life" Javier a Brandoli, one of those responsible for From Cape Town, Javier beat out for the audience his experiences in South Africa a year after Iniesta goal.
Here's the way19
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