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El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado
Ricardo Coarasa

Ricardo Coarasa

Author 295 articles Web

Ricardo Artigas Coarasa, journalist, has traveled around the world to step on the places where history and literature have left their mark. With the philosophy that behind every trip is a story that track and in the back of any story, a journey worth undertaking, followed the steps of Hernán Cortés in the conquest of Mexico, experience embodied in "Hernán Cortés.

The steps erased " (Mirror of Ink, 2007), traced the footsteps of Mallory in the Himalayas and the memory of the conquerors in countries like Guatemala or the Dominican Republic. With the aim of the adventure is any step we take into the unknown with curiosity of childhood, visited northern Ethiopia in search of the wake of Pedro Paez, the Spanish discovered the sources of the Blue Nile, traveling collection chronicles in "The Blue Nile Sources", yet reported, and traveled to Uganda in the heat of the stories of great explorers such as Speke, Stanley o Baker. During the last twenty years has worked for media such as ABC and the Associated Press and currently does for the newspaper La Razon, where he joined the founding team and for covering the trial of 11-M.

He is coauthor of "11-M. The solidarity day stood up to terror ", a report on the coral 24 critical hours of the attacks in Madrid and has gathered some of his experiences traveling through Kenya and Tanzania in "Mzungu in Africa", orphan editor.

With the maximum Kapuscinski that "the world teaches humility", launched in March 2010 by the journalist and photographer Javier Brandoli the online travel magazine, specializing in travel with history.

San Francisco streetcars

For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)
San Francisco streetcars
The icons of big cities are usually emblematic buildings, historical monuments or glittering avenues. But when someone thinks of San Francisco, almost always does it on a tram. Una ciudad que ha hecho de un medio de transporte urbano ...
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Birds Lagoon: Peñalara in privacy

For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)
Birds Lagoon: Peñalara in privacy
En el vértice geodésico han pintado una bandera republicana, anticipándose a la abdicación del Rey dentro de unos días. Alguien que se sube hasta una cima con un spray para pintar una bandera, sea la republicana, la constitucional o la ...
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Homage to the Canfranero

For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)
Homage to the Canfranero
Waiting for an old train at a lonely station is a good way to start your day.. One, also, arrastra en sus vagones una historia de resistencia frente a la desidia de las autoridades a uno y otro lado de ...
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Spring in Ordesa
For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)

Spring in Ordesa
Hay paisajes que impregnan tu vida, que la empapan de vivencias que perduran en la memoria hasta confundirse con ella. Paisajes de memoria, memoria de paisajes, tanto da. Son lugares de los que nunca te despides, a los que siempre ...
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על ידי Izas התעלה
For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)

על ידי Izas התעלה
To the right starts the path that runs through the Canal de Izas, the great corridor that connects the valleys of Tena and Aragon and one of the most beautiful and lonely in the Pyrenees of Huesca. He hecho en ...
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Villuercas: the Appalachian Trail
For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)

Villuercas: the Appalachian Trail
This region keeps a memory of what the Earth was like 300 million years, when before the continents were formed a mountain range ran through it from present-day Canada to the Atlas. Now, esa cordillera se reparte entre ...
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