Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Trujillo: memory of bold men

For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)
He unfolded the map on the counter with the same reluctance that a electricity bill deserves. Then he mechanically indicated with circles the places that I should not miss.. There was not an iota of passion in his words.
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alaska in spanish
For: Ricardo Coarasa

A good number of place names in Spanish still survive in Alaska today., the northernmost in the world in our language. It is the trace of the Spanish naval expeditions to the northwestern coasts of America at the end of the 18th century..
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Baltic waters
For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)

I liked to go up on deck to watch the bow break the cold waters of the Baltic as if the gigantic ferry took little effort.. that simple. It was cold and the wind shook you in unexpected jolts as if putting you to the test.
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Landscapes of Uganda
For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)

In the shadow of two giants like Kenya and Tanzania safaris, Uganda is a diamond before which, however, Many travelers spend long. Beyond the amazing wildlife that shares with its neighbors in East Africa, Uganda is sublimated by its landscapes bathed in water.
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