Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Serie Pacífico en DVD y Bluray

For: Daniel Landa
We propose a trip to the confines of Man, a more remote destinations exciting to Pacific route. TV series now in a limited edition can only buy on this page, Travel in the Past
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Campeche: Mexico's best kept secret

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
Let's start with the basic message: if there is an amazing Mexican state I recommend visiting is Campeche. In travel journalism happens sometimes lead epithets and conclusions are delayed. In this text everything is already said. If you don't want to read more, it may even be recommended to do so for those who have food in the oven or half have a good book, just buy a plane ticket and visit Campeche. Sure they will thank me.
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Dominica: el manantial de los kalinago

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
Dominica fue toda esa naturaleza desbocada en una montaña hecha isla. Los españoles la ignoraron en sus primeros viajes por su orografía complicada. Los franceses e ingleses, que la colonizaron, la apreciaron por sus manantiales. El bíblico edén debe ser algo muy parecido a aquellas laderas verdes, con cascadas violentas, entre las que crecen flores extrañas de colores inciertos. El mundo puede ser distinto, Dominica lo es.
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Montserrat, the island volcano ate

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
Montserrat is a cork dust floating in the middle of the Caribbean. A stone with a volcano. A ghost town with narrow gray living world, Green, beautiful and Cornered. A bastard oblivion. Ash. Music. A ferry and a perennial goodbye. Anyone who feels the curiosity of the traveler, I, you must go to this place.
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Friendship lessons in a German village
For: Laura Berdejo (Text and photos)

The whole trip was a break stereotypes, from the Germans frolicking on the grass to the cemetery with bicycles and sports, From our sick friend laughing, joking and hugging carefully to the sincere enthusiasm of his family, away from the cloud of sadness Imagined, We tended arms really a joy.
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