(In) Circus training for children with AIDS…

Javier Brandoli. Cape Town

Los que siguen mi blog de un Viaje por África leyeron un post que se titulaba «El Circo de los Niños con Sida». The story of kids who were born with HIV who come twice a week at a gym in the poor township of Khayelitsha to train with the Zip Zap Circus. Last 27 April I went to the big tent and went along with over a thousand people to one of her performances.

Qure next week, the 6 May, se colgará en VaP el otro video «casero» que hice con mi cámara del día de la actuación. But nothing in this story is meaningless without seeing the before. Without understanding the illusion that these kids get to make daily 14 pills and live in cardboard houses every time they come to train. Without knowing that acting is your dream, but the project actually does is send a message and save lives. If you take drugs you can have a normal life, exercise, overcome AIDS.

I expected to have the video of the performance to hang first I recorded at Khayelitsha. Both go hand in hand. The story, in this case, is a circle that closes itself. The problem is that without support may not be long… (continue).

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