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Posts Tagged 'al Qaeda’

The last nomads of the Sahel (1): Riskoi

For: Enrique Vaquerizo (text and photos)
Sometimes you find that you track Aboca shadows, impossible in the past persecution, in every place where I land I seek a reality that vanished fifty years earlier. However I am convinced that no place can ever provoke the same impression that I suffered in those first hours of Tanout spurred by paranoia and fear.
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Getting to Africa: Niger

For: Enrique Vaquerizo (text and photos)
er the hippos that are in the Niger River on the outskirts of the city? Ugh complicated, gasoline has hiked, I can not get a picture 100 EUR! On the brink of insanity, faltered, I beg leave cockroaches company not too greedy and wishing me a good firing stroke.
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Gorom- Gorom: "The end of the world market"

For: Enrique Vaquerizo (text and photos)
Gorom- Gorom: "The end of the world market"
Police orders me to remove the turban, I seem suspect, inspected my passport and I wonder why I dress like those of Al-Qaeda; I answer that to hide from them. The cop looks at me dumbfounded, I suspect that neither of them really know what the fall-winter fashion Islamic terrorist half
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