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Posts Tagged 'indígenas’

The suicides of the rarámuri

For: Javier Brandoli
The wave of suicides of this native town, forgotten like so many in this Mexico in a hurry to get to the present, had a first voice of alarm early in 2012. Then, The Organized Front of Indigenous Peasants denounced that "indigenous women when they have been unable to feed their children for four or five days become sad; and his sadness is so great that even 10 from December to 2011 fifty men and women, thinking that they don't have to give their children, they threw themselves into the ravine ".
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Guachochi: foreshortened beauty

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
In Guachochi the terrain is high plateau. We went out to see a community of Tarahumara Indians and the pine forests followed one another with the threat of some water path that could divide the cruel from the human. In the community we find a hard life, poor and full of cultural nuances of the raramuri, one of those peoples that understands the world from the other side of the mirror.
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Easter indigenous in Mexico

For: Javier Brandoli
Of the numerous indigenous celebrations, perhaps that of the Tarahumara Indians, in Chihuahua, be the most unique. Unlike other celebrations around the Mexican Republic, For the Tarahumara people, Holy Week does not represent the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but the eternal struggle between good and evil, They call it "nolirúache" (hanging around) and marks a kind of new year according to its agricultural calendar
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Ecuador: motherhood than half the world
For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)

From there we left with the feeling that the beautiful Valley of Flowers has something more than that of Eden cemetery. We headed to another attractive project name: motherhood than half the world, in Cayambe. He then wrote in the report that was published in the press: "The name should be there because life split in two '. But, it is because there goes the line of Ecuador.
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Salar de Uyuni: the struggle of indigenous lithium
For: Enrique Vaquerizo (text and photos)

Salar de Uyuni: the struggle of indigenous lithium
Uyuni is not a particularly pleasant, there are not many hotels and the dust seems to follow tenacious to the last of its corners. A clear, languid air of Far West goes through a village where residents peer through the cracks in their homes as withered gargoyles and cemetery nearby train seems to move horse thieves of another time.
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