Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Were they laughing or yawning?

For: Javier Brandoli
The first time I lived outside of Spain, in Malta, upon returning a good friend asked me what have you learned? and I answered: “The secret is the people”. And every country I live in, every trip i make, I have it clearer.
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From Tehran to Hormuz: From Tehran to Hormuz

For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)
It is essential to get rid of any cliché about the country of the ayatollahs and the women stuffed in black, also. Iran is a fascinating country, brimming with history and contrasts, that you have to walk without fear to enjoy all its charms
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Scarlett Johanson and the Pyramids of Gizah
For: Enrique Vaquerizo

We are not here just to play the Indiana Jones, we also do foreigner things like everyone else. After all the holidays are over, we are tired and nostalgic and everything is the same to us. To the trip you have to give what is from the trip and to Instagram what is from Instagram...
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