Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

In Mostar Bridge

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
On the Mostar Bridge the shadows walk so fast at dawn that no one sees them. At the Mostar Bridge the maps are glass and the towers are centipedes. On the Mostar Bridge prayers and bells are heard and when the sun goes down the drunken dance the wind without knowing where to lose. On the Mostar Bridge it smells of generous food, to clay pot, to fish meat ...
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The road to another Europe

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
After the previous regional and exaltation chants of friendship night, We left for Trieste and stopped earlier in Brescia. Brescia is one of those wonders that Italy has scattered his map. As beautiful as real with its Saturday market where one watched with a smile that the disorder is not just a thing Iberian, It is a Mediterranean thing.
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Mozambique: the forgotten dead
For: Javier Brandoli

Mozambique is rarely discussed. You may also talk about the wrong way when we do. It is not easy to put into reality the international media of a neighboring country two giants information such as South Africa and Zimbabwe. Then he falls in social reports or headlines to justify their media space Cornered. I will try to settle here because my debt as a journalist to chronicle of a country that is experiencing a forgotten conflict, unwitnessed.
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