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El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Judicial Stop dams in Patagonia

Chilean Justice has ordered halt Hidroaysén, the largest South American country's hydroelectric project,which plans to build five plants in Chilean Patagonia. The initiative has raised strong opposition among the population, a malaise that has even led to a decline in the popularity of Chilean President, Sebastián Piñera. The project, it costs 3.500 billion (about 2.450 million) guarantees the production of 2.750 megawatts of power. Read the story of the writer and traveler VaP. Gerardo Bartolomé in on this controversial issue: Also in:
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The 365 escalones del «Monkey Temple»

"We finally decided to lower the 365 steps of the temple, built in the seventeenth century by King Pratap Malla, a significant gap. Tibetans in exile wearily sweating up their fervor, pursued by the sun and clinging to the mid-rail to relieve strain. It almost seems to have raised awareness by car. The howler monkeys scrutinizing visitors looking for something to eat while traveling tireless offer local crafts. If you wear something you lost sight, because you will not be left alone. It is said that Buddha preached among these forests, how not surrounded by monkeys". Swayambhunath, the most important Buddhist stupa in Nepal, a report of VAP in pictures.
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Kathmandu: a walk around Durbar Square

Around Durbar Square are the main temples of old Kathmandu, a must for anyone who comes to the capital of Nepal. Altars with representations of Shiva, interrupting the passage sacred cows, hippie tourists seeking the essence of the city, SANTONI of pacotilla y pedigüeños acechantes. All this, and […]
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Milodon Cave: come and see

In the caves of southern Chile, near Puerto Natales, in the Pleistocene was the habitat of a large mammal, the mylodon. The story of the discovery of the last remnants of this herbivore in VaP. account the travel writer Gary Bartholomew on his blog "From Patagonia".
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A year after the World Cup: the party was not

That was the start of the World Cup in the streets of South Africa. Two days before the start was on a minibus and the street was full of people to 12 noon 9 June 2010. No one could move, Cars stopped and people took to the sidewalks and […]
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Hidroaysén Project: Threat or progress?

«La historia de estas regiones me llena de pesimismo sobre el futuro del hábitat que vemos al recorrer la carretera austral. Finally, on the last leg of our trip we visited the area most threatened by the progress, Baker River, the natural drain of Lake General Carrera. River is the largest flow of Chile, […]
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The train ride to Machu Picchu

A place of passage for travelers history buff. Machu Picchu is a place of legends, Dorado search, emblem of one of the greatest civilizations that inhabited the planet. The train trip through the Andes is one of the best experiences on the road that the […]
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