The 365 escalones del «Monkey Temple»

«Finalmente decidimos bajar los 365 steps of the temple, built in the seventeenth century by King Pratap Malla, a significant gap. Tibetans in exile wearily sweating up their fervor, pursued by the sun and clinging to the mid-rail to relieve strain. It almost seems to have raised awareness by car. The howler monkeys scrutinizing visitors looking for something to eat while traveling tireless offer local crafts. If you wear something you lost sight, because you will not be left alone. It is said that Buddha preached among these forests, cómo no rodeado de monos». Swayambhunath, the most important Buddhist stupa in Nepal, a report of VAP in pictures.

«Finalmente decidimos bajar los 365 steps of the temple, built in the seventeenth century by King Pratap Malla, a significant gap. Tibetans in exile wearily sweating up their fervor, pursued by the sun and clinging to the mid-rail to relieve strain. It almost seems to have raised awareness by car. The howler monkeys scrutinizing visitors looking for something to eat while traveling tireless offer local crafts. If you wear something you lost sight, because you will not be left alone. It is said that Buddha preached among these forests, cómo no rodeado de monos». Swayambhunath, the most important Buddhist stupa in Nepal, a report of VAP in pictures.

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