Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Hongcun, the mirror villa

For: Daniel Landa (Text and photos)
The central plaza is liquid and the sidewalk surrounds a lagoon in which red fish swim, mistaken for the reflection of Chinese lanterns.. It is a round mirror where you look at the stone houses to see that they have barely been affected by the passage of time.
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Mongolia: infinite horizon

For: Sergio Gonzalo (text and photos)
Simply, it does not have an end. It is the most distant and imprecise horizon I have ever observed. I look at it again ... I appreciate with relative clarity the lines that mark the end of the enormous green plain on which my feet are planted.
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Shanghai: neon lights and karaokes

For: Daniel Landa (Text and Photos)
Shanghai appeared to us messy without deciding where the skyscrapers end and where the smell of the lacquered duck begins. We held the camera crew with a grimace of doubt, looking at buildings stretched up and stunned by the noise of scrap metal at ground level.
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The most dangerous road in the world
For: Daniel Landa (Text) D.Landa / Martin yeray (Photos)

The most dangerous road in the world
From there we had record, pray and look down as little as possible, but to place my feet was forced to see how the mountain faded and the ground was so small, so distant, I coming me a silly giggle, own situations of uncontrolled panic.
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the steep faith
For: Daniel Landa (Text) D.Landa / Martin yeray (Photos)

The Hanging Temple is supported by wooden columns on a wall 75 meters from the ground, in which no sane architect would have thought of building anything habitable. Or maybe it was a genius idea.
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