Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Angkor: Wonder among the wonders

For: Daniel Landa (Text and photos)
There are times when a man feels, Without remedy, overwhelmed. It happens with the death of others, with the announcement of a paternity, with a trip to the end of the world, with war, with an unmistakable love ... and it happens with the temples of Angkor.
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There are no bicycles in Saigon

For: Daniel Landa (Text and photos)
All the peoples of the world, what things, tend to heal wounds, turn pages and open restaurants. No one uses a bicycle in Saigon. The hum of motorcycles has been extinguishing the magic of another time, the noise of the street markets ... and the thunderous memory of war.
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Minimal Vietnam Stories
For: Daniel Landa (Text and photos)

"I have to go feed my husband ”, Clay said. But Clay's husband had been dead for several years.. Even so, We saw her walk to the cemetery with some food and some cigarettes that she left at her late husband's grave.
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Ben Gurion airport, Murphy's lair
For: Enrique Vaquerizo (text and photos)

The cursed seal of Guinea Bissau causes fear among the staff again and this time they have also discovered on the back page that of Mali. Once again, a council that looks like the Spanish Geographical Society is meeting, They try to determine if they are countries that can threaten national security.
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