Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Jaffa: Sea Mosque

For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)
Jaffa: Sea Mosque
Founded as the Bible by Japheth, one of the sons of Noah, after the Flood, have gained from the pharaohs to the mythical Persian King David, Saladin, Richard the Lionheart "Napoleon. It Jaffa, the old city of Tel Aviv, one of the oldest ports in the world, boosting the minaret of the mosque of the sea on the vast blue of the Mediterranean.
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Himalayan bike or how to dilute the self-esteem in a nanosecond
For: Ricardo Coarasa

Himalayan bike or how to dilute the self-esteem in a nanosecond
We met him by chance on the streets of Lhasa hours before heading to Everest Base Camp. There Richard, Vitoria firefighter traveling alone. Going to make our own path, the 1.100 kilometers from the capital of Tibet in Kathmandu, but cycling. Way, be diverted to greet some friends to Sishapagma. Today I go to sleep feeling very small. Some people have a cataplines as eight thousand.
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Where do you hide the rockhopper penguin?
For: Gerardo Bartolomé

Where do you hide the rockhopper penguin?
In this windswept island walk around the beautiful Patagonian Rockhopper penguins, those nice jumpers that the English call «rock hopper». What we are talking island? Where is the only penguin in the South Atlantic where the most common living Magellanic penguins? A nod to the curious reader: […]
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Riders for health: African Motorcycle
For: Miquel Silvestre (text and photos)

Riders for health: African Motorcycle
Solidarity with the Third World poses a risk: that its practical application in the field of adventurers trick is to escape the demands of work and social First. In Africa, Official solidarity white donors tend to travel in Toyota Land Cruiser.
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