Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

A cross the Himalayas with a rookie driver

For: Ricardo Coarasa
A cross the Himalayas with a rookie driver
As we left Lhasa, Bumble each of the buttons on the dashboard to make sure what they are. Circulates 50 km / h, are continuing their sharp braking and cornering takes every invading the wrong lane, whether or not visibility. The driver of the SUV that should lead us to Kathmandu, 1.100 km across the Himalayas. I will travel through one of the most dangerous roads of the earth with a conductor trainee. I'm excited.
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Croeso i Patagonia!

Croeso i Patagonia!
Stories of migrants who cross the Atlantic in mid-nineteenth century in search of new horizons. Languages that have survived against all odds in southern South, testimony to the determination of those who brought them. What does the monolith photo? What place is located in Patagonia? What story lies? […]
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Schaller, twentieth-century naturalist
For: Alfonso Polvorinos (text and photos)

Schaller, twentieth-century naturalist
Many national parks and protected areas as far away as the Amazon, Nepal and China are due to the work of George B German. Schaller. His life is part of the natural history of this planet. We in the dissecting VOD "green story".
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