«Patagonia in cold blood», Gerardo Bartolomé


Portada de Patagonia a sangre fría

Title: Patagonia a Sangre fría. Criminal stories in the far south
Author: Gerardo Bartolomé
Editorial: Zagier&Urruty Publications
Sentence: "Patagonia can surprise you at any time".
Critical Vap: There are writers who describe places and others, as Gerardo Bartolomé, move the reader get to places unknown. The writer and traveler set aside, in this case, the historical novel (genre that has captivated critics and audiences since in 2005 published "The betrayal of Darwin") to penetrate into the substrate of the literature Argentina: Tales. Five stories that take place in a setting that's collaborator knows by heart VaP.: Patagonia, the southern tip of the Americas, an inhospitable land that shapes each of their characters. Readers will have the opportunity, eg, follow in the footsteps of Francisco Moreno in search of the last mylodon or feeling in his bones the solitude of Juan, in charge of the lighthouse that guides ships crossing the Strait of Magellan. Distant landscapes, Nearby stories where, as just around the corner, passion, friendship, death, fears, life to the end of the day, come together to weave the adventures of the protagonists. Bartholomew seduces the reader from the first line with its lively narrative, with its rigorous documentation, with stories that arouse curiosity, unwavering desire that the human condition. An indispensable book to soak the soul of Patagonia.

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Comments (4)

  • Paula


    Interesting. As I can buy?


  • Gerardo Bartolomé


    In Spain will be in the library in about a month Altair. In Argentina, Yenny and Cuspide chains in a 10 days. In other libraries can be reached by dealer so it can take longer.
    In digital form can be purchased at ltair, Amazon Tematika.com y.


  • Gri Dam


    Gerardo: In August I'll buy it so I can revel in your story Patagonian during the hot summer of Spain!!! A hug …


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