“A possible life”: The scar that leaves the memory

A trip from Mexico City to Ushuaia
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A possible life

Every book can be summarized in 6 paragraphs….

  • Editions Intervene. Edition 2023
  • Author: Jose Alejandro Adamuz
  • Book for interested in: Latin America, literature, Travel, great routes and memory.
  • What will? José Alejandro and Cristina, Your partner, They decide to leave everything to travel for almost two years throughout Latin America. Years later, He sits and writes a brilliant and nostalgic memory of that adventure.

Paragraph 1

Every trip begins with the urgency of leaving, When a more or less extensive hiatus opens in the time that is lived with discomfort and impatience until the day of the game is finally: This hinders because hope has been postponed to the future, where you intuit the possibility of another life.

The book is undoubtedly an impulse for all those who have ever considered leaving everything and splitting. That is one of its great virtues, be a vital impulse between a constant search for questions that do not need an answer.

Paragraph 2

Michel Onfray says in trip theory that every trip begins in a library or a bookstore, that before nomad is the reader, that reading is the initiatory rite (…) Many more books will appear, In a sum of kilometers and letters that cross each other nourishing: travels horizontally and vertically.

That ode to literature is throughout the book. The author is a fervent reader and that makes his book, full of references to other writers, be a multiple vision of that immensity that is Latin America. Darwin, Bolaño, Chatwin, Cortázar ... are also part of the trip.

Paragraph 3

In Chachahuate we sleep in a sober cabin under palm trees. It is made of wood and there is only one bed. The porticones window has a fine red print fabric as a curtain: I remember the dance of that curtain pushed by the breeze, The eternal rumor of the waves cradling the dream, The laughs of the children who approached the door to play with us and that with their beauty with dark skin made me feel ridiculously white. The Cayo is bordered in five minutes, As small as the planet of El Prince.

Adamuz writes very well. His prose transluce nostalgia, honesty, fears, doubts… Their descriptions have the ability to transport the reader to the place that he describes without the need for bars. Sight, points, Remember and tell.

Paragraph 4

"You don't go out at the terminal because if not…"And the phrase ends up running your finger as a knife by the neck. Very visual, But nothing reassuring when the interlocutor turns out that he is a child who addresses us for a stop to go to the bathroom and stretch his legs attached (and shortened) In those uncomfortable seats. It is not a childhood invention. Missing to get to Guatemala City, But the other passengers do not stop making us similar warnings

Crossing many of the countries that cross them using public transport has a risk element. One of the challenges of writing such a book is sublimating that factor, place in the center of that constant threat that they always warn of the traveler, and draw as a modern walking knight capable of solving all those difficulties in hyperbole. Adamuz does not do so, The book perspires absolute honesty between the trip and the traveler.

Paragraph 5

"The trip is not a pleasant flow. That only happens in the cinema: Traveling with beautiful landscapes darkens, The scene lights up, The protagonist reflects, It is reflected in the window, know how to think, It has original thoughts, Review your life, that runs parallel to the road as if a homemade movie in Super-8 was projected in the window ... the truth is that you are a passenger who looks, It gets bored, he was large, who only thinks about arriving. After a few hours the landscape is seen m-o-n-ó-t-o-o-o. Even so, The movement transmits an emotion that pulls us forward ”.

Take mystic, undress it from that part of pain and euphoria mixed with which some crossings are narrated, without degrading it to the relativism of a simple routine, It is not easy. Adamuz gets it.

Paragraph 6

“We will always be there: I imagine how a flashing point, moving little by the map surface, fleeting, Vacilant, advancing and backward, stopping at some moment, Like lightening of Solentiname, Following, Now here, Then there, down at all, in southern, I say in the north: Finally we draw a great arch on the Atlantic, An arrow that points to Madrid and then Barcelona. But Madrid and Barcelona are off the map, They are islands "

The return home after almost two years of travel describes it slowly, paused, accumulating memories. There is a certain nostalgia in each of those last pages, A round -trip sensation, having stayed in a place that may never arrive and from which he never left. A daughter, A new trade, a pandemic, a house, Some pencils and a book are the old current life with which the work ends. An old new life that happened to that other that invented in the long flight in which he discovered that the north was the south. The two are connected, Explica Adaz, Because without holly Ushuaia would never have been in Barcelona. He needed to move to stay still remembering that he left.

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