Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Navigating the Napo River: Amazon at risk
For: Gerardo Bartolomé (text and photos)

Navigating the Napo River: Amazon at risk
The Amazon conjures images of danger and adventure in the mind of any traveler, a difficult challenge to avoid. One imagines a dense jungle to beyond the horizon, strange animals, dangerous insects, unknown fever and aboriginal tribes fleeing from civilization.
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Manila: What is 1861, 1981? (Part I)
For: Miquel Silvestre (text and photos)

Manila: What is 1861, 1981? (Part I)
If you are paving for two centuries, Why is another date of the twentieth century? What does this strange saint 1981 so close in time? A premonition, an appointment with the future? I do not understand. Strange!
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