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Posts Tagged 'war’

Sarajevo: tras las huellas de la guerra

For: Enrique Vaquerizo (text and photos)
Primero son las montañas. Ondulaciones oscuras y lobunas, espolvoreadas con un reguero de nieve en pleno mes de abril. Hay algo maligno aún en esos centinelas que vigilan con avidez el fondo del valle. Pacientes y atentos como si aguardasen algo y, por un momento casi puedes comprender…
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Diary of a war on the Turkish-Syrian border

For: Javier Brandoli
Upon arrival we see again those three Syrian families who have been there for two days. They sit around a table with their children playing between the tables. They, All the men, They limit themselves to watching the news at all hours of a channel that does not stop talking about Syria and showing images of the war. They do it in silence, circling the screen, with due attention to listen to how others narrate their lives.
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Mozambique: the forgotten dead

For: Javier Brandoli
Mozambique is rarely discussed. You may also talk about the wrong way when we do. It is not easy to put into reality the international media of a neighboring country two giants information such as South Africa and Zimbabwe. Then he falls in social reports or headlines to justify their media space Cornered. I will try to settle here because my debt as a journalist to chronicle of a country that is experiencing a forgotten conflict, unwitnessed.
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