Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Langtang (II): paz bajo las estrellas

For: Raul Garcia (text and photos)
Después de la cena los hombres se reúnen alrededor del fuego con un vaso de aluminio con té que apoyan en la estufa para que no se les enfríe. Y cuentan historias de antiguos sherpas, de montañas codiciadas por cualquier alpinista y vivencias propias en esas cimas.
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Turkey: no way to africa

For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)
But you try to believe when you have nothing better to hold on to, so on Sunday we returned from Mersin town to Tasucu, We arrived at the port and found the deputy director who spoke perfect English and who confirmed that in Cyprus nothing expected us, that there is no ship for Egypt
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Laila Peak (In): Man's Search for Meaning
For: Sebastián Álvaro (text and photos)

You fall in love with mountains like this the same way you fall in love with a woman, for its beauty, for its powerful attraction that only causes mystery, for its apparent inaccessibility, because you close your eyes and you only think about them ...
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Langtang National Park: stone and water paths
For: Raul Garcia (text and photos)

Namaste. The first word you hear when you arrive in Nepal. It means hello or goodbye, depending on the situation. Until our departure, we will not stop listening to it constantly.
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