Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Tsavo: Elephants Warhol

For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)
Enter a national park and the first thing you find to be elephants red is like arriving five minutes late to a game of your favorite team and see on the scoreboard already wins 3-0. From there, It is very difficult to keep the bar.
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Amboseli: Revenge of the Kilimanjaro

For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)
Amboseli has a gift. Waking up every day in the lap of Kilimanjaro, the roof of Africa, is the gift that nature has blessed you. A gift and a paradox. It is curious that the main attraction of the second most visited park in Kenya, after the renowned Masai Mara, you get up in the land of Tanzania, the neighboring country.
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Two hours in Amsterdam

For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)
Aterricé and Amsterdam, after two weeks in Kenya, with a piece of my heart still wandering the savannah, with Masai dirt on the sole of my shoes...
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Vasa: la redención de un fiasco

For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)
Siempre me ha interesado más la estela que deja una derrota que la de un triunfo. Un perdedor tiene más trastienda y es pródigo en aristas. Therefore, la historia de un barco botado con salvas de honor que se hunde en su primera travesía, sin tan siquiera salir del puerto, me despertaba simpatía.
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Naivasha: the voracious lake Rift
For: Ricardo Coarasa (text and photos)

The rainy season had been prolific and Naivasha had an exultant look. A good stretch of the shore was flooded and suddenly was surprising to navigate between wooden fences, lampposts, palafitos wells and lost in the mangroves.
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