Pacific series on DVD and Blueray
El mundo de equipaje. El primer libro de Ediciones ViajesalpasadoEl Maconde Africano de Javier Brandoli. Un libro de Ediciones Viajesalpasado

Mister Tourist en el país de los persas. Crónicas de Irán (II)

For: Enrique Vaquerizo (text and photos)
Las rinoplastias están causando furor en el país desde hace un par de años, en especial entre la clase media alta. Por apenas mil euros, eliges una nariz a la carta que en el caso de la mayoría de chicas suele ser la misma, larga y rectísima para realzar las facciones. “En Irán las chicas no podemos mostrar mucho de nosotras, así que lo que puede verse, queremos que esté perfecto”, confiesa Neda.
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Mister Tourist en el país de los persas. Crónicas de Irán (In)

For: Enrique Vaquerizo (text and photos)
Disparan unos contra otros, mothers, uncles, sobrinos… incluso a sus propios hijos. Disparan abuelitos con bastón, y mujeres ataviadas con hiyab, negrísimas como cuervos. Desenfundan sus móviles y pasean entusiasmados con sus palos selfies al hombro. If you're not careful the Iranians shoot at you, while they hug you smiling and ask you to look at the little bird. The selfie revolution has come to the country to stay and among the ruins of Persepolis a shooting blaze rages.
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The full story of my encounter with Magico Gonzalez
For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)

The full story of my encounter with Magico Gonzalez
"time stayed in my house, always I am playing with my son if need guns under the table, and once he told me he was going outside to smoke a cigar. He returned two days later. He appeared dressed in a shirt and shorts when not wearing down. They had recognized some Brazilian and went with them to nightclubs and bars to another city. That's Magic"
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El Salvador: San Blas beach and Coatepeque volcano
For: Javier Brandoli (text and photos)

In the middle of a conflict, still surrounded by violence or criminal groups, what is imposed is the routine of life. Because almost always, except when nameless bombs fall, there are people who live there with a certain normality, children going to school, businesses that open to sell something to eat, stalls where you cook, couples who fall in love and fall out of love and friends chatting around a table.
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In debt to Mechelen
For: Ricardo Coarasa (photos: B. Modrego)

We only had two hours to explore the Flemish city of 300 protected monuments. Maybe that's why, Mechelen greeted us with rain. We deserved it, certainly.
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