Pacific Time

28 articles

El sortilegio uruguayo del tiempo

Those who are not from here were somewhat spellbound with those Uruguayans. Not so much for its ability to go running from one job to another or knowing knit, to make cakes, fix engines or dance, but because of its value to bring to the fore everything that smacks entails, disorder, chaos or emptiness that frightens both the Western world.

The celestial dream

The selection of Uruguay, a country of just 3,5 million people, It is among the best eight teams of the moment, in a world where big threats are being left by the wayside and where charrúas resist unbeaten, for joy and plethora of all its inhabitants

Friendship lessons in a German village

The whole trip was a break stereotypes, from the Germans frolicking on the grass to the cemetery with bicycles and sports, From our sick friend laughing, joking and hugging carefully to the sincere enthusiasm of his family, away from the cloud of sadness Imagined, We tended arms really a joy.

Jane’s Fales, watercolors Polynesia

n a larger fale, rectangular web without lateral, Jane served breakfast every morning while the rays of the rising sun were spreading over the surface of the water. The rest of the day was pulular: stroll along the beach, go to the church, find hermit crabs and remove the house to see how seeking another or sit on the cyber cafe to chat with the Swiss couple who had left everything to settle in the vicinity of Jane.

Fiji Time and folded map

I think I've never again be in a place with so few tricks like that and one person with so few tricks like that. That he knew me to life. A salitre. In real life we ​​revere, love, serve and evoke when the other, pseudo, mental, we do not like it, exhausts us, We finally got confused and no longer interested

Summer in Montevideo: city ​​field

Montevideo in summer is a city as flat as a field under a blue sky. It is the summer solitude of the rural environment brought to the concrete streets, in whose lethargic afternoons the birds sing, the groups of friends stationed on the sidewalks drink mate and walk, with enough parsimony and calm, dogs, some cats and some long-legged birds that I haven't managed to find out their names yet.

Montevideo. The blues of the bus

The first time I got on a bus in Montevideo, my heart went back twenty years, thirty, forty, sonaba “In the army now”, it sounded with all its load of surrender, defections, impeccably harmonized litanies and chords.

David's journey. Mid-afternoon coffee

"Today David Bowie died and then I entered this cafe full of sun and empty of people and at decibels exactly conducive to my purring soul at the window table, right in front of the sun, and on the other side the sea, sonó The man who sold the world".

Liquid water on Mars. Now

There is liquid water on Mars. Now. Flowing, as flowing streams in the Sierra de Guadarrama or streams in the Pyrenees, or at least that it flows in our imaginary, the same in which the Martians are green, They have antennas and hands with three fingers and suction cups to the end.

Words of Buenos Aires words

"There are graffiti. Graffiti that slaps you like epiphanies in many streets of Buenos Aires. In elegant neighborhoods and in neighborhoods that are not so elegant, in mixed corners and in abandoned walls. There are phrases that hit you in the middle of the walk, releasing a verse that sticks to you like a mole."

Paris, at first light

There is an hour in paris, around 6:28, depending on the season, in which the city begins to open up and emits, as if it were an alien object, a magnetic radiation that forces, day after day, Month after month, year after year that passes, to wish to see her be born again.

In Sweden there is a soap bubble, Herrang Dance Camp

I understood, in a great epiphanic swerve, that life is about that, to be alive at every moment, the, like children and snails, go slowly without running anywhere following the tempo set by the music, without anticipating or waiting, without being unmarked or highlighted, get into the flow, simply, and then fly away.

Extreme zen state in the middle of winter Tokyo

What is tokyo? Lots of noises, horns, cries, mermaids, malls... a chaos ... For not. Turns out not. Tokyo is more like the bottom of the sea, where a lot of fish go in the same direction without brushing, than to the cinematographic stereotype of a megalopolis of the year two thousand.

Los Angeles in red, yellow, green and blue

As every street in every neighborhood look-city of this metropolis anonymous, we recognized the street from the house by the red tree, that made lantern halfway up and just gave us shade in the interminable pauses where we went to the door to the car we distinguish tinkling dominos pizza or were removed some the urge to smoke.
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