Llegué a Montevideo tras un mes y medio de ausencia, a las ocho de la mañana de un jueves austral y fresco de mediados del mes de abril. Otoño.
El vuelo había sido grato, amenizado por unos gnocchi de plasticidad entrañable, un pastel de chocolate de sabores universales y los arduos intentos de una pareja de extraterrestres, bastante parecidos a los exprimidores de zumo de Philippe Starck, por comunicarse con unos humanos elegidos, entre toda la comunidad humana, por su inteligencia excepcional.
Me gustaría ver una película protagonizada por gente corriente, por gente normal, como ustedes, like me, como un montón de seres humanos de los 7.000 millones que somos a los que no nos pasa nada extraordinario, o todo es extraordinario, But less cinematographic than it seems recommended to have an exciting and sensational life ... I imagine there is, But I think I don't know how to search the immensity of global film production.
At the airport was Myriam, owner of the floor that Rento, Theater designer and bread make, Married to a Swiss surgeon from Vespas, And mother of an unwavering and passion teenager, also unwavering, by the manga universe and the Japanese world.
An absolutely fabulous library, so, with forcefulness, The best coffee in the city
With Myriam, Just the Jetlag moved away from contact with the southern realities, We go almost by a telepathic agreement to skirmish, que es una librería-café absolutamente fabulosa donde sirven, so, with forcefulness, The best coffee in the city. Esto es subjetivo, se sabe, así que queda en una opinión personal pero, en defensa de mi criterio afirmo que más de diez personas están de acuerdo con esta valoración. Escaramuza además tiene un pasillo minúsculo y corto, baldosas en el suelo, una colección excepcional de literatura infantil, visitantes variados que tocan libros, deambulan, curiosean el espacio y, joy of joys, ¡un patio! con árboles, mesas, wifi, gente jóven y fresca, gente menos joven y menos fresca, mosquitoes, abejorros y una señora mayor encantadora y rubia que se llama “Reina” y que barre las hojas y saluda al personal diariamente como si cada encuentro con un pie fuera signo de un día formidable.
Era media mañana. We sat at a table near a bronze fish, I asked for the livianito cut accompanied by standard greeting, Brand of Years and Years of Brasseries in Paris, and the waitress, very surprised by standardization, He told me smiling and shy: "With skim milk ...?"Remembering me, In your well -done work exercise, one of the many peculiarities of my army of mania and, responding to my happy stupefaction, said: “How long without seeing it here!”And I threw a gestillo like a bureau.
Sometimes it is boring, certain, But then you have these spaces with letters, bronze patios and fish where cages open to shout, bailar y crear que tienen todos los uruguayos dentro y de repente uno se encuentra en una madeja de rayos y centellas con confetis de colorines y las alas de Peter Pan.
Cuando nos trajeron los cortados, la medialuna, el azúcar moreno, la jarrita de agua y apenas había empezado a medir la cantidad de azúcar que, bien distribuida por la superficie espumosa del cortado, consigue llevarme a volar entre las nubes, Myriam empezó a hablarme así, sin intro ni quetales ni prólogos, del sentido identitario del arte latinoamericano y de la sensación continental de muchos artistas latinos de adolecer de una marca primordial.
El fervor de la conversación fue in crescendo y en un momento de fulgor y cafeína me sorprendí, en una lucidez puntual y casi mística, from the site to which he had just reached for an invincible energy.
The trip through the works of art and the lives of others is possible
He had barely put his feet in Uruguay and was already in a compromised and emotional frequency where the impulses and sensations of separating branches in the jungle, Touching hidden cultures and trying mysterious brews possessed me happily and felt the same sensations, Without leaving coffee but having entered another world, that one embodies when he travels with the body and passports, with customs and vaccines or with the suitcase that has not just closed. The trip through the works of art and the lives of others is possible, The excursion through the imaginary and the winds of humanity.
It is fascinating, It is the cave of Ali Babá. It is true that the change of continent, THE JETLAG BORRACHERA, Air Europa's airplane and the effluviums that had surely breathed in ESA Boeing 787 To the rhythm of aliens had facilitated my openness to experiment but ... what an adventure so accurate!, What a sense of vital life!
I remembered Jodorowsky and a drawing he made of a circle that represents the "comfort zone" and beyond the circle, a phrase written with an arrow that says: "Magic happens here". Out of the zone.
So there is no excuse for not traveling, I said.
When we do not have the money or time to swarm through airports and borders, When the logistics limits us the physical recreation and the geographical scatter one can always leave its comfort zone, go down to the bar below and get lost by universes and creativity of others, flirt with inhospitable human codes and travel along the ways of the imaginary discoverer with the only risk luggage, The stupefaction, some caffeine or wine perhaps and the spicy complicity of the surprise of the exceptional.