It's night and decided to return to our hotel in Paharganj. The darkness has made the neighborhood a few hours ago New Delhi mad a ghost ship. The main street retains some of its many shops open, but the lack of light in narrow alleys outlines some spectra. There are other travelers, as Olga and I, leaving or entering their lodgings. It seems that some respite was the roar of the neighborhood off until tomorrow.
Paharganj is now a big bazaar where they sell everything. The beginnings of this area were also commercial, in the seventeenth century was the great grain market of the city and the emperor collected taxes in the House of Trade raised there. Then, centuries after, hippies took the neighborhood they call home in this land full search of freedom. Then along came the hotels and bed at a ridiculous price ceiling which now form part of the landscape, the essence of this place. That fact and the proximity of the railway station have made the neighborhood became the meeting point for backpackers.
Then, centuries after, hippies took the neighborhood they call home in this land full search of freedom
We return to Cozzy Inn, our hotel in less than five euros a night. Some friends of Olga, an Israeli and an American with whom he shared a long journey through India, have invited her to his room to say goodbye. I'm really crushed, but it is early to go to sleep in my schedule even Spanish. The mini festival begins with a mixture of all. Summarize for not going into details: try everything. Suddenly I notice that the body moves as if I was wandering around Paharganj my brain. "Damn, did me wrong ", I. Do not want to spoil the farewell and announced that I go to sleep. Luck is Olga tells me to stop by his room on the same floor to pick up the towels (mine is on the second floor). Last thing I remember is that it opens the door to the room and I do a microlight flight to the ground.
The next scene that I see is one of those images will never forget. I woke up with an Indian Bollywood actor seemed a, with his mustache, gently holding my hand and gave me some blows with the other. One dreamed many awakenings in India, but I never imagined one so surreal. I do not understand. The guy asks me if I compulsively taking drugs. (In India, consumption and trafficking of drugs is punishable by up 20 years in prison). I answer that, gurgling sound, and moving some face among other things to stop shake.
One dreamed many awakenings in India, but I never imagined one so surreal. I do not understand
I lie in bed. Olga moves her face laughter Panic. Incomprehensibly, ¿Or not?, decided that I'm kidding. It costs a few believe that vomiting is no joke. Then, she plays music in the computer and tells me how I fell I fainted and I went head on the table by a few inches and I think I will die each 15 minutes with the angelic face of the receptionist putting warm as last image before going to heaven. The good thing is that they never lost the sense of humor, because a trip home and can really complicate your life. Much, even, if you have worse luck.
Within hours we were flying to Nepal. Even in the airport toilets were my arches to a large group of men dressed in white robes who looked at me listlessly as they washed the body. Then came the passage of the scanner. The police told me I could not get lighters. I answer with confidence that I do not carry any. I said that the scanner are. I repeat that no. ¿Resultado? 20 minutes later I have all the empty backpack and there are seven lighters confiscated in a box. I did not remember to bring any.
Two weeks after
Delhi also had a unique final. After two weeks in Nepal back to the city. I decide to part with Olga and sleep near the airport. I make the mistake of renting an office room at the same aerodrome. Although I ask 50 U.S. dollars, suits me because it is near the terminal (I have the flight to Spain soon). We reserve the hotel and when I find myself looking building of newly opened or recently abandoned, in a dark room and rooms full of shit. We have a huge brawl, I tell you do not pay as agreed and only when I leave announcement that the price will be close 25 U.S. dollars. When I opened the bed to sleep, I saw the black sheets, the closed, and put a bath towel on which to lie down.
The temple of Hanuman Mandir, in Connaught Place, the 1724. If you say it is an attraction you believe Port Aventura
Before, after closing the deal of my hotel, we take a taxi and go to Paharganj, where is Olga. "How are you there? Go somewhere else that's very dangerous ", indicates the driver who came to India from Nepal ago 20 years. "" It's my favorite place ", Olga responds. The driver looks with disdain upon the author of a phrase that reveals the protagonists on each side. Paharganj Paharganj and all the world are for their inhabitants a conviction of fleeing; for us, which we come and go, can be a retreat anecdotal, even charming. Olga was fascinated by the place, was true, but she was a spectator. Your life there can be no breakfast on a terrace overlooking a cold toast, walk among the crowd, eat a sandwich, go to an internet cafe archaic and meet people who are kicking the world ... That's not the life of the inhabitants of Paharganj, that's a dream for them too unreal. Yes, many people do not find any pleasure to be there for two minutes, which would not blend as she did not say that in a hundred lives with the truth that she said that was at the time their "place in the world".
Finally, I left Delhi a memory almost indiscreptible: the temple of Hanuman Mandir, in Connaught Place, the 1724. If you say it is an attraction you believe Port Aventura quietly. It's really indescribable if you are not and do not enter your world for almost gore. The giant temple gate monkey is welcome and a mouth out of primate. There is a huge statue of another primate that exceeds even a bridge over which the train passes. The great God seems about to burn ninot. As Delhi, the hours that I look again at night from my rickshaw back to the hotel. I see people sleeping on the floor, a small fire in the suburb where I stay and the truce of silence that has just finished to restart in this city madness.