Lives in Nature

Lives in Nature: Alfonso Polvorinos.

12 articles

Humboldt and the Teide

(...) before crossing the Atlantic, Humboldt made a scale that changed his life and laid the foundation, inter alia, of modern phytogeography. It was in Tenerife, where he arrived on 19 June 1799. The departure of the Spanish corvette Pizarro, who should bring to America.

Lucien Briet and "God gun" Ordesa

And these words were not uttered by an Aragonese, although it could have been,, even for a Spanish. Out of the mouth of a Frenchman, coming from the neighboring valley and nothing Gavarnie setting foot for the first time in the valley (1881) pleaded deep love Ordesa Valley. From that moment, Lucien Briet Parisian became a frequent visitor to the valley, you wrote about different works.

Salto Angel, Venezuela: King of heaven and the quest for gold

The 9 October 1937 la avioneta de James Crawford Angel -Jimmy Angel- touched the top of Auyan-tepui. It was the first time a human being trampled on Auyán. The landing gear broke in so daring maneuver and the aircraft was unfit to take off. There was no alternative, had to go on foot. Almost half a month took the browser Jimmy Angel and his fellow expedition to find the only way down and down from the top of Auyan-tepui to camp Uruyén, where he hoped Felix Cardona. Only had food for a week. But this story begins a few years ago ...

Riding of the Queen of Africa

(...) The African Queen, the truth, never sailed these waters. He did in Eastern Africa. That was his role skippered by Charlie Allnut to supply the villages of East Africa at the beginning of the First World War (...). When a film helps you discover a continent.

David Livingstone: the "roaring smoke" or "mosi oa tunya"

The Devil's Pool in "Mosi oa Tunya" is one of the trails that follow David Livingstone in Zambia. We talk about the mighty Victoria Falls and more than a hundred meter fall and nearly two miles long. The pious Livingstone was the first European to set foot on this fascinating place. A tale trail Livingstone Zambia.

Schaller, twentieth-century naturalist

Many national parks and protected areas as far away as the Amazon, Nepal and China are due to the work of George B German. Schaller. His life is part of the natural history of this planet. Seguimos en VaP diseccionando la "historia verde".
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