Chitwan: the park where "The Jungle Book" was inspired

Joseph Rudyard Kipling, British poet and writer, Born in Bombay (India) in 1865. and died in London in 1936. He lived in times of war and not in vain became famous among his countrymen for poems and stories devoted to the British troops in India.

Joseph Rudyard Kipling, British poet and writer, Born in Bombay (India) in 1865. and died in London in 1936. He lived in times of war and not in vain became famous among his countrymen for poems and stories devoted to the British troops in India; but it is for this reason that this week I decided to bring the figure of this great writer to travel to the Past, but one of the works he wrote. It was in 1894 and its original title was "The Book of the wilderness". A few years after Kipling received the Nobel Prize in Literature (1907). His work was filmed, like some others of her own, and the title was changed: "The Jungle Book" (Jungle book). There have been many versions and directors who have been immortalized on the big screen. All with varying degrees of free interpretation by who took her to the movies.

"The Jungle Book" original was actually composed by a set of tales and fables of the Indian jungle. Their animals. Legends, myths and deities, but also the human component as protagonist (Mowgli, a child raised by wolves as safe remember). I guess it would be his personal tribute to the land where he was born into a British family. Imaginations and separate versions, where Kipling seems served as the setting was none other than the lowlands of the current Royal Chitwan National Park (Nepal), on the border with India.

Royal Chitwan is a magical place that became the first national park in Nepal. A world of mists and forests to 400 meters in the Himalayan country and eight thousand. Unparalleled biodiversity and one of the parks most renowned Asian for photographic safaris. The park today I want to stop.

Unfortunately nothing remains of the figure of Kipling in the area but of the nature that inspired him

Here live each and every one of the protagonists of the novel, in the flesh: the tiger, black bear, the snake, elephants ... Unfortunately nothing remains of the figure of Kipling in the area but of the nature that inspired him. Chitwan is famous among lovers of nature to become one of the few places on the planet that still exists in the Indian rhinoceros and the endangered Asian one-horned. Kazirangha in India and Royal Chitwan house the two main populations of this huge Perissodactyla. More 2 tons of giant herbivorous habits semiacuáticos, they spend much time in ponds and streams that thrive in the wild jungle. There are plants that are so fond.

Currently the national park lodges organize photographic safaris on the back of another giant: the Asian elephant, the best road possible to approach, not only to almost reach out and touch the rhino, but the few tigers still roam the Nepali jungle. Many emotions in a single safari, that can multiply to navigate the river Rapti, with its banks full of crocodiles, gaviales (photo) and dozens of species of butterflies. Delightful as long as we meet not face to face with the friendly Baloo, that while Disney was in charge of making it a friendly, fun-loving character, local people do not think so. It is much more dangerous than the tiger, ensure. Best not to check ...

More: Paradises of the world.

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