Life on the road

A giraffe crossing the road between cars. One of the young accelerated more than their legs and body plummeted on the asphalt in front of another vehicle. For a moment it seemed dead. His mother, while, nervosa is shaking the bushes

Too many people, km, overtaking, experiences, So many new products in ... ni know how to write this post. Everything happened fast, almost a month since I've led a group from Johannesburg to Vilanculos; I've fought impossible connections a place where all missing; I discovered pine beaches and high dunes; I started to stammer a new language; I have been bribed by the police; I started my work in a hotel that is my home; I'm back to understand life from the border of the journalist; I spent nights sleeping on a sofa in Maputo in which the sun rises at five o'clock on the sound of sheets drivers (vans)No ... he been able to stop a second. Sometimes, night, by the fire in which I sit at the hotel beach Villas do Indico, I fall asleep as I sort out the before and after.

Sometimes, night, by the fire in which I sit at the hotel beach Villas do Indico, I fall asleep as I sort out the before and after

A week after landing here went through the lodge a group of eight Spanish. Eight guys had crossed South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique reached with intact win, without tolls or comparisons of places and seen. Is that the detail that travelers always look in. The ability to enjoy and always surprising new is the nomad soul with which I like to share the road. We had a wonderful sail to the islands of Bazaruto. There, about dune Benguerra, mientras contemplábamos un entorno de acuarela y ellos decían que era la playa más bella que habían visto, succeeded typical conversations that calm doubt that the way they live. "Javier, Do you think I could come and live here?”, I deci. Then, overnight, by the fire we light "on" the sea, released a guitar coming out jokes and songs with new lyrics night we fell over.

Then came the transfer from Johannesburg to Vilanculos. Ana Paula and I picked up two pairs of Portuguese and a child with whom we share many hours of car and feelings. A Kruger volvimos a ver los Big Five, it cost me a race against time in the paths of the park. At a bend some tourists told me there was a leopard about 17 km, on a detour. We decided to go. We saw, como vimos después leones, rhinos and other Leopard, but the park gates close at six p.m. and when I wanted to react was impossible to get by where it should. The last time the car was going to 100 kph, the limit is 50 (mea culpa) and comments were "watching a herd of elephants, look a rhinoceros, sight 200 buffalo ... "and look at everything and had just given the order that only stop if we saw a unicorn.

And look at everything and had just given the order that only stop if we saw a unicorn

But, before us something happened that stopped me. A giraffe crossing the road between cars. One of the young accelerated more than their legs and body plummeted on the asphalt in front of another vehicle. For a moment it seemed dead. His mother, while, nervosa is shaking the bushes. Was approaching and leaving helpless, temerosa del coche pegado que no paraba de sacar fotos Iba y venía, moved to the head with spasms, retired still looking. Daba impotence see the suffering of that animal. As, the other car was not removed and kept close to the mother until about 4×4 later he had got a guy who started insulting the tourist clumsy and forced him to leave. Just when did move again breeding, rose awkwardly groping and clung to her mother lost among the bushes of the Savannah. That day, all, show me a Kruger again where everything is possible. Two days later we arrived at the hotel.

Days later I returned to Maputo (another ten hour drive) to fix mis Papers (all you have to do with my papers will tell in another post, for a book of). Maputo's life I still like. Quiet in the Chaos, con sus cafés donde pasar la mañana y donde entablé una interesante conversación con tres cultos mozambiqueños, one journalist, about the excesses and corruption of a place where misery and excess bleed. I spoke of the high chances that war again to this place. Then, 48 hours, coil a Vilanculos. That afternoon, mientras conducía y charlaba con Ana Paula miraba de reojo el atardecer en el espejo retrovisor y pensaba “ha pasado ya casi un mes. I'm going home ".

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