The 7 world's most beautiful sunsets

«It usually happens. The world tends to explode on the horizon. At that time it was burned the day, when the sun explodes, resisting nightfall. At that moment the traveler feels complicit landscape, the road can wait. «

It happens. The world tends to explode on the horizon. At that time it was burned the day, when the sun explodes, resisting nightfall. At that moment the traveler feels complicit landscape, the road can wait. I've seen lightning died out among the palms of Acapulco, como se anaranja Alaska, as if the sky burn, as the light dies in the mists of Kamchatka… Then, often happens, Into the Night, placating it flashes.

1.- Fjords of Norway

Almost expected to see a legion of archangels down the clouds enter the beam of light that burned water fjords. Such was the communion of heaven, the sea and the mountains at that time that everyone takes for switched.

2.-Acapulco (Mexico)

It was a yellow sun filtering through the palms, decorating a pink sky lovers stroll on the beaches of Acapulco Bar Coyuca. Pelicans did everything a little more dreamlike and kids jumping on sand… so perfect, so colored that I thought the landscape had set in cheesy bread.

3.-Kamchatka (Russia)

The sunsets are more serious Kamchatka, even solemn, because ice freezes the profile of landscapes and rivers haze softens the rigidity. At the bend of a river we saw was extinguished the day, slowly, because there is no rush, beautiful, although there anyone seeing, simply because there is no. Well, yes that afternoon, we were.

We had a horizon of palms, furiously sun goodbye, imaginary fire.

4.-Lamanai (Belize)

On top of a Mayan pyramid all makes a splendor as of gods. We had a horizon of palms, furiously sun goodbye, imaginary fire. There were no tourists there, jabirus flew only one green box horizons, ruins and flashes.

5.-Bocas Dzilam (Yucatan Peninsula)

I remember well the time to rush the afternoon with a swim in calm waters and waves that dare to make noise. And then a flock of pink flamingos was shaping silhouettes against the sun. Roses like the sky was coming, putting together and the flight of birds and the glare of our star.

6.-Anchorage (Alaska)

Seems extreme to sunset. Bayfront Anchorage the world was painted with orange and red, yellow and pink, until the ice sheets were lit. It was a bright light, perhaps to compensate for the cold, to deceive for a time to the lonely hearts who go walking in the bay.

7.-Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)

It's hard to turn the Salar de Uyuni. The salt daytime dazzled us now gradually surrendered to sunset. We walked for a while in that giant plate while wringing going on among the mountains. The sun, salt, both disappeared.


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