
4 articles

Benin: nonreturn door

The Door of No Return is one of those places that transmits more by suggesting that at showing, where the silences are loud and shake until the last recesses of the soul. You can almost hear cries million captives in the waves, pleas sent as messages in bottles lost in the ocean.


"A couple of weeks ago I published in these pages an article about deep America and my travels through the United States and one of the kind readers of VaP commented with surprise and a certain bad humor: “¿América? But if you only speak of the United States!” (...) The issue has a funny story, "more than meets the eye".

Salto Angel, Venezuela: King of heaven and the quest for gold

The 9 October 1937 la avioneta de James Crawford Angel -Jimmy Angel- touched the top of Auyan-tepui. It was the first time a human being trampled on Auyán. The landing gear broke in so daring maneuver and the aircraft was unfit to take off. There was no alternative, had to go on foot. Almost half a month took the browser Jimmy Angel and his fellow expedition to find the only way down and down from the top of Auyan-tepui to camp Uruyén, where he hoped Felix Cardona. Only had food for a week. But this story begins a few years ago ...
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