
3 articles

Mozambique: the forgotten dead

Mozambique is rarely discussed. You may also talk about the wrong way when we do. It is not easy to put into reality the international media of a neighboring country two giants information such as South Africa and Zimbabwe. Then he falls in social reports or headlines to justify their media space Cornered. I will try to settle here because my debt as a journalist to chronicle of a country that is experiencing a forgotten conflict, unwitnessed.

Africa: the "city fish" shampoo

The answer, like everything else in the economy, is based on the relationship I have, would and could, universal law that divides the rest essentials. Much of Angola's population does not use toilet paper, expensive and imported article, lo que hace que el papel higiénico sea un producto de "lujo" priced for its economy would be equivalent to cleanse the back (pardon me) the Encyclopedia Espasa-Calpe.
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