Olga Moya

I always wanted to make my living with words. Lo de las maletas vino después. Me inicié en el periodismo de viajes de la mano del suplemento Viajar de La Vanguardia. Since then, he colaborado en diversas revistas de viajes, he dirigido un periódico de turismo para profesionales del sector y he publicado reportajes en Crónica de El Mundo, El Viajero de El País y el periódico mexicano Reforma. Conozco todos los continentes menos Oceanía, aunque debo reconocer cierta predilección por Asia, lugar al que he dedicado tres años al completo. He trabajado como voluntaria en un campo de refugiados de Myanmar, como profesora de inglés para exiliados tibetanos en Dharamsala, como guía turística en India, como enviada especial en Sierra leona y como instructora de buceo en Tailandia. And is that, sometimes, no hay nada mejor que apearse del propio viaje y quedarse en aquel lugar que, por lo que sea, te ha llegado. Adoro el mar, los aeropuertos, las novelas bien escritas, los animales en libertad, la comida tailandesa y los retos. A dream? Seguir ganándome la vida con huellas y palabras.
6 articles

Sierra Leona: the story of a tiny half-smile

Abu is thirteen, the shy smile and eyes that are constantly searching the ground. In Abu dare to look into the world al, probably because you've seen too. Born to a poor family in a small village near Makeni, in Sierra Leone, his life turned one hundred and eighty degrees the day we fell into the river from a bridge which was fishing. And falling, misfortune would have it, the urethra is pierced with a branch.

And suddenly, Petra

I was aware of being about to live one of those moments in life that will become part of the list of unforgettable, indelible, eternal. Like the first kiss. Like the birth of a child. Like when you finally see the Taj Mahal and you can't stop your eyes from getting wet. And there are icons in the world to which it is impossible to be oblivious.

Philippines: story without a moral

I would like to thank the weirdo guy not named Nilson. And it often, a setback leads to an infinitely better than what we had planned. And lying on a beach tan paradise was a good plan, but being adopted by a Filipino family was infinitely better. Thanks how is your name.

Mae Ra Moe, prison without bars

They had sad stories, many-separated families, parents dead, villages burned, years living in hiding in the forest-, but with the ease of explaining who is speaking from his own life and. They were used to it at all but resigned. Conversely: this is a place where, above all, hope endures. It is a sad and defeated.

Preface to a journey begun

Almayer's, ultimately, the act of traveling. Goal and path simultaneously. Middle and end. Search and find. And pray that as my favorite book, "Everything else was not yet. Invent-that would be wonderful ". Inventing.
Here's the way0
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