«The home of all travel writer can not be other than Ithaca, where the best sea captains was king, the great Ulysses frivolous soul, fine intelligence, calling a liar, irrepressible womanizer and brave heart. (…) Imagine a place where there is only sun, blue sea, song of cicadas in summer, some vineyards and a restaurant, Tsiribis, where my friend Dimitris, owner, invites any Spanish it reaches a glass of wine and, dusk, if you like him, le recita en griego clásico el comienzo de La Odisea», Javier Reverte writes. And as you imagine, make yourself a small idea with this video of what is now the island of Odysseus…
The cracking of the Perito Moreno
En honor a ese sorprendente e interesante blog que está escribiendo nuestro compañero Gerardo Bartolomé «desde la Patagonia»,…