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Posts Tagged ‘isla’

Martinique: the mountain that devoured souls

For: Sebastien Perrot-Minnot (text and photos)
The most tragically famous eruption of Mount Pelée occurred in 1902. That year, the 8 May, after weeks of worrying but misunderstood phenomena then, a titanic explosion rumbled at the top of the volcano. En los segundos que siguieron, una onda choque y un flujo piroclástico asolaron Saint-Pierre, matando a más de 28 000 People.
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Samoa: Manono circular time

For: Laura Berdejo (text and photos)
Samoa: Manono circular time
Manono is small, Round, nice, as pure circular flip walking sounds conclusive cycle, a closed course, they become actions and repeated as the notion of time in East. Speaking of Manono in this way comes to mind unusually Platero.
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Ithaca: Ulysses Island quarrelsome

«La patria de todo escritor viajero no puede ser otra que Ítaca, where the best sea captains was king, the great Ulysses frivolous soul, fine intelligence, calling a liar, irrepressible womanizer and brave heart. (…) Imagine a place where there is only sun, blue sea, song of cicadas in summer, some […]
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