At nine p.m., low a heat as I have never lived in the many times I visited the Kruger National Park, South Africa, afanábamos us to assemble the tents at Camp Letaba. It was impossible, tens of thousands of lobsters, in the more biblical word, beat us face, body and hands. If encendías the front to nail the pickaxe pounced on you in waves, I almost slapped. Not, hardly, te abofeteaban.
When I saw that the laundries were a blanket of insects, I suspected that it would be easy to scrub my back with the sponge
Still got plantar small shops. Then decided to go to the bathroom to take a shower. Once on the road, I noticed that the laundries were a blanket of insects, I suspected that it would be easy to scrub my back with the sponge. I even wonder if it was better not jump in the river and let me rub your back for a crocodile that ended with this more quickly. But, I decided to go with the faith that 20 meters beyond locusts consideration would have to prepare myself a hot bath with foam.
And the fact is they had to have it because it lacked any in those bathrooms. In the door, Victor, Ana Paula and I watched happily there were thousands of bugs on the walls and floor. "I do not go there", she says. "It's all, I'll go, do nothing ", Victor responds optimistic point blank. I hallucinated, frankly never seen an insect pest like that and he was willing to take a water from thousands of feet, insect wings and heads of large, large. "I do not shower with me even if the Sixth Fleet", I announced, which served to we embarked on our way back to our suites canvas interior temperature of about 40 degrees. After more than 15 hours of route 19 customers and having slept a few hours after most of 2000 kilometers of Africa 72 hours, that night he seemed idyllic.
"Come, que ya no están” fue el comentario que me dio tiempo a hacer hasta que encendí el frontal y noté seis golpes rápidos en la cara
We went to dinner before. We drank all we could to delay the execution that awaited us. We went past the 24 hours with the hope that our colleagues were gone camping. "Come, que ya no están” fue el comentario que me dio tiempo a hacer hasta que encendí el frontal y noté seis golpes rápidos en la cara. "Yes they are, open more wine ".
Joseph was the only one who got into the tent and fell asleep. Victor, Ana Paula and I, after a 10 minutes asphyxia, leave our tarps. I got into my car to sleep, unable to open the window, to avoid being massacred by insects. Sweaty slept until dawn in about four hours. At six o'clock, began a wonderful day safari in the park. My six passengers explained to me how good your air conditioning and shower.
At first I was sleeping. I decided to take the road from Letaba to Olifants by Sandy Estrada. The Olifants River views are spectacular there. We saw herds of antelope, Elephants, some buffalo and giraffes. The river had little life, Only a hippopotamus and a crocodile loose far. At 09 hours, we Olifants. Breakfast, contemplate its beautiful views and we saw a herd of giraffes in the distance down to near shore.
Tourists are already impatient to see cats. When elephants have already been, Buffaloes, hiccups ... people always want to lions and leopards
We returned to Letaba. This time we take the asphalt road. Tourists are already impatient to see cats. When elephants have already been, Buffaloes, hiccups ... people always want to lions and leopards. No luck, tracked by where we could but we did not see. "In the afternoon we tried again", the traquilicé.
At 15.30 we were in the car. Had not slept a 30 minutes. A car lacked gasoline and gas station have said no fuel. We got all three cars. We walked out the back of Letaba, northbound, this time in the wake of the Letaba River. Now it does not worth anything but a feline. If we had found a buffalo in a tree would not have deserved more than just a quick photo. "Lions, leopards ... ", asked.
Say all the branches looking around I could to find leopards, the sky for vultures to take me to the lions and to the front in hopes of tripping 20 stopped cars is the best sign that there are lions or leopards. As, my clients talked about the crisis in Portugal or recipe for cod with cream, with some interval to remind me how happy they were when we saw a few lions. We did not see and the only thing I thought was a wonderful evening to improvise their cameras. I loved the picture and thanked me with a "this would have been great sunset with a leopard in the middle".
It would have been great this sunset with a leopard in the middle
We came back with a certain sense of defeat. You always want people to enjoy the parks. Felines are the key in safaris. Kruger is one of the parks where it is easier to see the big five, but this time he could not be in three days.
Fuimos a cenar. I arrived late, estaba agotado y aproveché para darme una ducha esta vez en un bungalow (the beating that we took we did rent rooms). I sat at the table in the restaurant of Letaba, after dark, dark, sin just to see su horizon cincelado. Our group of cheerful and charming Portuguese, fond of drinking and laughing, I do not know in what order, chants began to make their regional.
He got a smell of wet earth, calving ground for, a night sky torn
Suddenly, I felt the wind on his face shaking. He got a smell of wet earth, calving ground for, a night sky torn. I noticed in the distance were some rays. They seemed lost, distant, unattainable. Soon it was also the sound. You could hear the thunder from the horizon. He quickly became far closer. The rain began to unload with force. The air was heavy with the smell of entrails. And suddenly, in the midst of those hard days, difficult, occurred sublime, magic.
Lightning lit up the river, el entorno. Probablemente eran centésimas de segundos que parecían parar el tiempo. Everything was frozen in my eyes. Trying to see everything they taught the droves of lightning cracked the sky to blow it. Under his roar appeared about elephants that were not there, that did not exist until nature decided mostrárnoslos. There were groups of impalas, some waterbuck and a few hippos in the same water. Right, away, I seemed to see a giraffe but the light and the time to make sure I never left. They spent a few rays of that perfect storm and I could not find out if they were branches, neck or nothing.
Under his roar appeared about elephants that were not there, that did not exist until nature decided mostrárnoslos
I left the restaurant roof. I stood under that blanket of rain that slid like a torrent. Contemplated that violent shaking sky all, shaking my eyes. He was happy. I think it's the most beautiful picture I never gave the park. There was silence. Nature made us all small. No hubo cánticos por un tiempo. No hubo nada. Only a storm that left suddenly to return to obscure all. That happened in my worst trip to Kruger Park.
PD. She wore a camera on that trip. The photos you see in this post are of seven different times that I entered this place I love. The first was in May 2010. The last in February 2013 That night November 2012, where in three days did not get to see any feline, never forget. My worst is the safari you will never forget.