In the footsteps of Hemingway in Havana

Hemingway lived at the Hotel Ambos Mundos, where, say, began writing For Whom the Bell Tolls. The hotel, Twilight of charm, is located on the main street of the historic center of Havana. Its ground floor is a large living room with high ceilings where today a pianist starts to keys Yellow Submarine.

Seeking the sun, peace of the gentle waves, Winter bated breath Caribbean, el Ballet, literature… The reasons for pilgrimage to Cuba are varied and range from the purely idle preferably a culture trip. O ambas. And they all own brand imprinted: from the fine sands bathed by the light of the moon to the verses of Nicolás Guillén demanded the visitor's interest.

Within the second category, activity may be wide. And a tiny portion that corresponds to the trace Ernest Hemingway left for more than two decades he spent on the island.

Hemingway lived in the Hotel Ambos Mundos, where, say, began writing For Whom the Bell Tolls. The hotel, Twilight of charm, is located on the main street of the historic center of Havana. The ground floor has a large living room with high ceilings where today a pianist starts to keys Yellow Submarine.

Hemingway lived at the Hotel Ambos Mundos, where, say, began writing For Whom the Bell Tolls

A little later, the bar archifamoso El Floridita stands on the corner of Central Park. "Hemingway's favorite", reads the label. The Hemingway negligible body enduring peer cocktails: 13 double according to legend. Something similar happens with La Bodeguita del Medio, more local tourist city whose fame is also due to the antics of Hemingway in the capital; its walls are scrawled by real personalities.

But perhaps the most authentic place has maintained the Hemingway figure is Finca Vigia, the house surrounded by a large garden where spent twenty years. Located in the Havana neighborhood of San Franciso de Paula, this house converted into a museum maintains vast library of the author in spacious rooms, and personal, hunting clothes and boots, Jackets correspondent stage…

His former home, converted into a museum, maintains the vast library of the author in spacious rooms, and personal

Everything is in such perfect order that nothing makes one suspect that the writer has been dead for more than 50 years. In one of the desks in the house shone his most universal, «The old man and the sea", this fascinating story of an old fisherman who fought for hours, to exhaustion, with a huge fish. The fight, a pulse between dignities ("I want to be a fish, he thought with all you have against my will and my intelligence alone"), ended the old dreaming of lions in their cabin Cojimar.

In this coastal town was served to articulate her story writer. There was docked his boat Pillar, where you went fishing. One of the fishermen of the town that inspired the novel. Across the sea, al morir Hemingway, the people honored him with a bust anchors melting fishermen who donated.

Al morir Hemingway, the village of Cojimar was honored with a bust anchors melting fishermen who donated


This short tour is worth it if you live, even slightly, installed in the legends. Imagine at one time, in another world, is an exercise that fits well in the imagination. Of all these details, I think home is the place that will recreate that time: the silence, the house and the tower, the pool where it covered half a mile every day, trees and, general, good care of the place, contribute to this.

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