Founded in 1871 in the picturesque neighborhood of Colaba, the Leopold Cafe in Mumbai is a vibrant local interracial clientele. There is so much middle-class Indians and the desire to binge and Western travelers in search of the same. They say that here serves the cheapest beer in the city. Despite having been targeted in a series of terrible events of the year Islamists 2008, Leopold is always full but occasionally driving on the street a fish truck that floods of an unbearable smell of rotten fish. But when that happened for the first time, did not mind too much and we continue with our libations of beer Kingfisher. And is that before crossing the threshold we had been some days in India without knowing exactly where we were actually lost or how many hours we flew eastward from Africa.
Why Kenya to India? This is not a round the world to use. The goal is not to circumvent the globe for the sake. The planet is already being done on a bike many times and I think that adds nothing new. This is more complex. The goal is to visit places that were bike penalties, joys, deeds and sufferings of the lesser known Spanish explorers. After reaching Pedro Páez in Ethiopia, work in Africa was made. The next destination was India to visit the tomb of St Francis Xavier. If the volley directly from Addis Ababa fue llegar because he wanted to Nairobi with bold, my new bike. From there years ago had left Cape Town bound on the trip told in a million stones.
After reaching Pedro Páez in Ethiopia, work in Africa was made. The next destination was India to visit the tomb of St Francis Xavier
The BMW would fly from Nairobi to Mumbai by air. Our biggest concerns were the safety of the bikes and the cost. Fortunately Juan Carlos, JC Nokalkorrentat, fulfilled the word that one day I got to help me with 1000 euros for the trip I needed. I chose the aircraft because it seemed the most clean, fast and secure. Maybe a little more expensive, but the maritime shipping container must involve many hidden costs. To this we must add the transit time, her late 40 days. Organized shipping and packed the BMW, We would fly before.
At the airport encounter with the first encounter with reality. My certificate of vaccination against yellow fever. I had left in the luggage of the bike. New look, hell. But the truth is that never before had asked me. But he gave me the boarding pass. An airport employee suggested I go to the infirmary, there maybe I could help. The nurse was not surprised my request, simply asked 2000 shillings, twenty euros. Issued a new certificate with no problem and thanks to the corrupt ways I could get my boarding pass. Once in the zone, needed to provide us with food. In the first duty free I bought a small bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label for ten dollars and a six pack of beer Tusker a dollar each.
The skyscrapers and the slums. Everything is mixed up in a dusty environment without light. It is early morning but there are thousands of people wake up
After a new flight, landed in Bombay at five o'clock. How many hours difference with Spain? I do not know. Middle sleepwalkers seek a taxi to take us to the hotel. The tail is long and now I am realizing what it means to be in India. People, many people, terrible contrast between the upper class, the burgeoning middle class and the immense poverty of the lower classes. Taxi costs 400 Rs. Eight dollars. The driver is a man of few words, Like most here. The journey is long. We cross the vast and populous city thanks to the high bridges that let down a world of color, heat, pollution, poverty and wealth. The skyscrapers and the slums. Everything is mixed up in a dusty environment without light. It is early morning but there are thousands of people awake while others sleep in many thousands roundabouts and under bridges. This city is identical to the nightmare of the movie Blade Runner. The future is here, though curiously I like.
The hotel itself is terrible Sea Lord. The windowless room smells musty. We lie in bed and dressed immediately succumb to fatigue. Even our bad mood is insufficient to show us. We woke up not knowing what time it is. We eat something extremely spicy and go back to sleep. Upon awakening and is in the afternoon.
On Friday, the boxes would land. The cards are already sealed by customs in Kenya. The agent sent us scanned the dangerous goods certificate, spraying, y el Air Waybill con el membrete de Kenyan Airways. It gives us the flight number and go to sleep with the assurance that our beloved Bold and arrive the next day discovered. So we arranged a taxi for seven o'clock, and after a somewhat restless night, we stick an early start. Sleepy and somewhat angered by the lack of rest, going to the airport, that is quite far. There is one open area between downtown and the airport.
How many boxes of goods are lost each year around the international airport traffic?
In the Kenyan Airways office tell us that the bikes have not been. I'm beginning to seriously worry. The most important thing is knowing that they are well, but at nine o'clock in Mumbai no one operating in Nairobi. One can not help then fears and absurd questions. What if there are? What if the lost? How many boxes of goods are lost each year around the international airport traffic? A loss for an airline market is a question of statistics that satisfies so many dollars per kilo indemnifying, and gives them quite the same as it is a motorcycle, a washing machine or a load of fabrics. But for me right now are all those boxes. Addition, Alicia is. I have decided how and when to fly your bike. If anything happened I would be responsible. I know she would throw anything at face, that's part of the journey, think, but I know that if all goes well on this trip will be shared merit, but if something goes wrong, guilt is all mine.