A small crowd stands in our way. The driver slams on the brakes to not run her over. Her curls seventies heartthrob stirred with inertia. The old model of Fiat emits a horrible screech, advances even pitiful few feet and stops near the courtship. It was a miracle not have killed them all. Intruders in the asphalt that cause their death almost dragged a car. Above him is a bundle covered with a sheet of colors. One can guess that it is a human corpse.
—It is a dead body. They go far the sea to burn him—informa el conductor con su precario inglés. So, carrying the dead to the crematorium.
- What will happen to this man's soul?Le-wonder.
¿Ask extravagant in a taxi? Perhaps, but I like to talk to the people in the countries I visit on the most diverse, which can range from the price of corn in the local market to the Democrats' electoral expectations in the state of Wisconsin for the next presidential.
Soil limited thereby obtain practical information on corn and Midwestern Democrats, but a valuable look at national sociology, especially, defined profiles of the most amazing with those who nourish my texts. Given such direct vision of a funeral, I think that this is a perfect time to question a Hindu about the consequences true otherworldly which is ceasing to exist. I trust that the information is always better firsthand a true believer to consult the Wikipedia.
—Oh, they will be burnt-explained with the typical gesture with his head swinging both repeats in India. It is as if drawing the infinity sign with the nose. Comes to signify assent or a simple way to say I go with the flow.
- And then?
-Then throw the ashes into the sea and return to their homes.
-No I refiero the eso-repeat-patiently, what to ask is whether there is a heaven Hindus. For Christians like me there is a heaven to which they are good when they die and a hell to which they are ill; then we have a purgatory where regular go. What Hindus believe? Is there heaven for you?
My partner is looking straight ahead while honking incessantly. It is the usual way to get noticed in a circulatory system where unknown chaotic use of intermittent. Esquive un tuk tuk, two wagons and a cow and then answered calmly.
Yes, yes, Christians bury the dead body; Muslims also bury the dead body, but Hindus burn. In cities were burning with electronics, but people are burning wood. luego se arrojan las cenizas «far» de río y se acabó.
From dogs and cats
Alice travels to the driver's side. Prefers that site because the window can be lowered at all. Not just for the hot weather in Bombay in the middle of December, is because it can make better pictures. The city is a huge stage twenty million. The best set of the world.
Everywhere you look you find amazing scenes, excessive, acojonantes and polychrome. The color is omnipresent and all the characters deserve a portrait. Leave the camera, turns to him and so metaphysical discussion gives valuable data that I know.
-The Hindus believe in reincarnation. They reincarnate into animals. For them it's best to reincarnated snake Is not?
Silence. At least in the carrier, because it was beeping rages. Given the respective level in English of both fellow members I have to repeat the comment for she often invent words in the language of the queen mother and the driver, that does not have much imagination, only uses the diez veinte vocablos, but serve to express almost everything. His favorite word is "for", translated as "for" and that the pronounced "far" and inserted in every sentence, come or not to tell.
Western travelers are retrepan on the parapet to take the best photo of one of the most attractive tourist attractions of the country: misery
When I insist with the snake, just nods with that gesture of his curly head bobbing. It amazes me the styling of these dudes. The males preponderate hyperbolic cheap films of the seventies. An asphalted genunino Sandokan the type is made.
As you do not get any results with reptiles, my partner, usually not of never easily give your caletre adds more wisdom Hindu.
-But if the Hindus are bad in life, then as punishment in dog reincarnate, which is the worst.
The type winces at the word "dog". Go, I think this time we managed to approach the critical point of the matter.
-Dogs exclaims excitedly, are very dangerous. Bite. Best cats.
- Cats? Why?I ask missed.
The type dodging a cow, a beggar of the caste of untouchables, horn and insists once again achieved the ragged fit in the endless jam Fiat answer the damn head fro.
—Because the cats only far de fish.
So, Indian taxi driver that cats are better than dogs because they eat fish. Irrefutable axiom that convince me absolutely. Abandon all conversation. Lying in the back seat upholstery grubby look thoughtfully out the window. Before me rise the tall gleaming skyscrapers of business Mumbai. India is the new rapid economic growth. Below extend almost endless pools of poor launderers caustic rubbing dirt from the clothes of the fourth city hotels of India.
Western travelers are retrepan on the parapet to take the best photo of one of the most attractive tourist attractions of the country: misery. It is the irresistible impulse of sordid. No real visit to the real India, you Dicen, if you have visited a slum and you've dived into the river of human feces. The result is lethal. Indifference layer thickens. The face of an untouchable touched, ten million anonymous faces are a collage that one can look to the distance with which contemplates the pointillist paintings in museums.